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Raise Culturally Sound Kids
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SAHM, WAHM or anything in between. It’s about YOU. Work from anywhere, homeschool your kids and raise your family on your terms! 

YOU Are The Best Mom For Your Family!

  • How To Build & Boost Your Childs Confidence

    How to Build Your Daughter’s Self-Esteem and Confidence

    Children of both genders can suffer from self-esteem and self-confidence issues. However, girls tend to have challenges in these areas more often.

    Research shows that girls are much more likely to develop eating disorders. They’re more likely to self-harm when stressed or depressed. Also, girls think about and attempt suicide at twice the rate of boys of the same age.

    Related: Epic Ultimate Guide To Growth Mindset For Parents

    While all children need high levels of self-esteem and confidence, many girls are especially at risk.

    Help your daughter have a happy and emotionally healthy life:

    1. Determine what she’s good at and help her develop that skill. Everyone feels good about themselves when they do something that they are good at. The better you are at it, the better you tend to feel. It makes you feel special and capable.

            ◦ As a parent, you already have a good idea of your daughter’s likes and strengths. From those items, identify something that your daughter loves to do and help her excel at it. Her confidence and self-esteem will soar.

    1. Sign her up for team sports. Team sports have been shown to benefit girls by making them more confident. Team sports are a great way to learn new skills, make new friends, and build a social circle.

            ◦ Winning and learning how to handle defeat are both great for one’s self-esteem and confidence.

    1. Ensure that your daughter understands that your love isn’t conditional. Every child needs to understand without a doubt that they are loved regardless of their choices or success.
    2. Let her have her own style. Allow your daughter to have her own unique style. This includes things like music, hair, and clothing. While her choices might not match your own, finding an identity can create emotional stability. This foundation can be a wonderful footing for self-esteem and confidence.
    3. Be a good example. Your daughter is always watching, even if she isn’t always listening. If she sees her mother judging her own body in a negative way, this sends a negative message. Fathers can also say inappropriate things about women that have a negative effect on girls.

            ◦ Consider how your behavior and comments are interpreted by your daughter.

    1. Praise effort as well as outcomes. It’s not possible to be successful all of the time, so focus on praising effort. There are things your child simply won’t be good at. It’s counterproductive to be critical when your child did the best they could.
    2. Teach assertiveness. Confidence and self-esteem largely come from the ability to influence and direct your own life. Without assertiveness, your child is subject to the whims of everyone around her. Assertiveness teaches your daughter than her opinion and wishes are important.
    3. Encourage your daughter to try new things. New things can be a little scary. Overcoming that apprehension is a good thing. It also allows your daughter to add new activities, skills, and people to her life – all of which will boost her self-esteem and confidence.

    Related: GROW Your Childs Self Esteem

    Daughters often need a little more help and attention than boys do. If you’re having serious issues with your child, seek out professional assistance immediately. It’s worth the potential cost and discomfort.

    There are many things parents can do to help their daughter thrive into adulthood. Building self-esteem and confidence in your daughter is an important responsibility.

    What Can Albert Einstein Teach Your Kids About Confidence?

    Psychologists often describe confidence as a person’s belief in their own ability to succeed. Naturally, every parent would like their child to be self-confident.

    However, what seems to challenge parents the most is striking a healthy balance when encouraging confidence. They want to nurture their child’s confidence, but not let them get too arrogant.

    Related: Hacks to Help Your Child Thrive

    Also, many parents have a challenge with self-confidence themselves.  

    The brilliant Albert Einstein said:

    If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.”

    This is the key issue: many parents don’t know how to teach confidence to their kids.

    • Where do we draw a line?
    • Do we push our children to do more or give them all the space they need?
    • Can our kids learn how to be self-confident if we are not?

    Answers to these questions might seem complicated, but the good news is – you don’t have to do it alone. There are plenty of resources to help you gain direction and clarity.

    Even if you aren’t the most confident person in the world, you’ll do a lot for your child if you offer them a healthy, positive role model. It can be someone they know, a fictional character, or a celebrity. The famous physicist, Albert Einstein, is a perfect example.

    confident child girl

    Here’s what your child can learn about confidence from Einstein’s life and work:

    1. It’s okay to have special interests. When he was nine, Einstein went to high school. There, he spent only 3–4 hours a week studying math and science. He was an odd kid, and eventually, he was asked to leave high school and he did it.

            ◦ His home was the only place where he could pursue his interests. Later in life, his special interests led him to win the Nobel Prize and become one of the most famous theoretical physicists in the world.

            ◦ Expose your child to a wide variety of activities and encourage them once they find something they love. Quirky hobbies can be particularly helpful for kids who don’t exactly fit in at school. The fact they are special at something will affect their confidence positively.

    1. Imagination is the answer. Albert Einstein was the biggest advocate of imagination and creativity.

       “Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.”

            ◦ Children have a particularly vivid imagination. Let them use it. Help them fantasize.

    Encourage them to visualize they’ll be doing something important or fulfilling when they grow up.

            ◦ Their dreams might seem unrealistic at the moment, but don’t lower their expectations. It is important they are thinking about their goals.

    1. Persistence needs to be encouraged. When he was just a child, Einstein was considered dyslexic and a slow learner. In fact, many adults thought he was stupid. Later on, he had problems in school. Then, he failed in his first attempt to enroll into Zurich Polytechnic University. During the war, he was targeted by Nazis.

            ◦ As you can see, obstacles and challenges were all around him. However, he persisted and achieved his goals.

            ◦ Your child will come across many setbacks in life too. Avoid the temptation to be their savior. Let them know you are here if they need you but give them a chance to figure things out on their own.

            ◦ To become confident, kids need to learn that it’s okay to take risks and fail. Let them try and get up once they fall. This will make them resilient and strong enough to deal with life’s challenges.

    If you think Albert Einstein is a too-advanced example of confidence for children at a young age, substitute someone else that can send similar messages. 

    Diversity is paramount, optimism and imagination are potent weapons, perseverance and autonomy are highly valued, and confidence is a path to a happy life!

    How To Raise a Confident Child

    Confidence is about being comfortable with who you are, willing to give things a go – even if you’re not sure you’ll succeed – and trusting your own judgment. How can we raise a confident child in such a doubtful world? How can we instill this feeling in our children if it doesn’t come naturally to them? Or worse, if we aren’t confident ourselves? There’s no 100% guarantee that our child will grow up a confident man or woman, but there’s many tried and tested ways to cultivate it now.

    Here are a few thoughts:

    • Accept your child’s starting point!

    This is HUGE. Every child is different and each one will grow at different levels. Start where are.

    • Don’t force them into situations they aren’t comfortable with

    Have you ever wanted your child to be ready for that thing or that occasion? Except, they just wouldn’t act the way you wanted them to? They just…weren’t, ya know, getting it? I know I’ve been guilty so many times of trying to rush a process. But that’s a problem. There’s truly a time for everything. Trying to put our kids in situations they aren’t ready for, is just a recipe for disaster and a surefire way to gut their confidence in half.

    • Take small steps to encourage confidence

    Give compliments every day. Words of affirmation. Speak out with praise when your kiddo does the right thing and not just judgment or consequence when they do something bad wrong. Slow and steady. Taking time to be intentional each and every day is one of the best things we can do for our children. It creates a habit for us and is positive repetition and reinforcement for them.

    • Work out what their fear is

    This may or may not be a challenge for you, but simply put, you must get to the root of most problems. FEAR. Whether or not they admit it, or are able to coherently vocalize it, there is a fear that exists. Find it and CRUSH IT FAST. We all know how crippling fear can be if left untouched. This doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to rid every fear or that you need to, but instead, learning how to channel that fear into motivation.

    • Keep praise special

    I mentioned giving praise above as a great way to build confidence in small steps, but be careful with this one. I don’t mean you should praise everything your kid does. You know those parents. Just, don’t. Simply put, too much praise can lose its value with your child and you don’t want that.

    • Find their forte and allow it to flourish

    The most wonderful thing we could do for our children is nurture them. Especially in areas where they excel. If you’re blessed to see a strong suit in your kiddo when their young, keep supporting it. Give them everything you possibly can to allow them to flourish in whatever area they’re showing special abilities.

    • Step back sometimes and let them have at it

    Don’t rush ahead of them or dart to lend a helping hand. Certainly preaching to myself here! Step back and watch them. Allow them to take the lead. They just may surprise you!

    What do you think? Did I miss any BIG points here? Share with us below!

    happy confident child
    confident mom pointing
  • Guide To Communicate With Your Baby

    A New Parent’s Guide to Communicating with Your Baby

    Your baby is learning to speak long before they say their first words. Talking with your child and giving them loving attention will strengthen the bond between you and help them to develop academic and communication skills they’ll need later in life. Plus, you’ll both have a lot of fun. A famous study in the 1990s coined the term word gap to describe how children in lower income families hear about 30 million fewer words by the age of 3 compared to their wealthier peers. More recently, a Stanford University study found an intellectual processing gap emerging at around 18 months. Create the word-rich environment your child needs to learn and thrive.

    Try these tips for communicating with your baby.

    Communicating with Babies from Birth to Three Months

    As you know, crying will be your baby’s main way of communicating for a while. While individual timelines vary greatly, many babies start using their voice at about 2 months to coo and gurgle. They may also start making some simple vowel sounds. Use these strategies for greater communication with your infant:

    Use baby talk

    It’s a myth that baby talk will hold your baby back. In fact, babies pay more attention to sing-song style speech with a higher pitch and warmer tone. At the same time, it’s beneficial to gradually introduce them to adult speech too.

    Hold them

    Physical touch is part of communication. Bond with your baby by holding and carrying them.

    Make eye contact

    Looking at your baby shows them that you care enough to pay attention. Even if you don’t understand their message, they’ll appreciate the effort.

    Related: What a Postpartum Mom Really Wants

    Think about body language

    Gestures and facial expressions are a big part of your baby’s communications. Exchange smiles and copy each other’s movements.

    Mimic sounds

    Imitating your baby’s sounds is helpful too. Gurgle back at them and add your own noises to make your chats livelier.

    Start reading

    Begin your storytime traditions with picture books. You may also want to find some titles with sound effects and textures.

    Communicating with Older Babies

    Most babies speak their first words by the end of their first year, and most can understand a few words by the time they reach 9 months. It’s usually not a cause for concern if a baby starts later. Speak with your doctor if you have any questions about your baby’s development and hearing. These techniques will help you communicate with your older baby:

    Narrate your day

    Create more opportunities for your baby to hear your voice by describing your activities. Talk through mealtimes, household tasks, and weekend plans.

    Related: Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night!

    Pause often

    Take a break between sentences so your baby can join in with their own remarks. They’ll start to become familiar with the rhythm of two-way conversations.

    Identify objects

    Help your baby to associate names with common objects and people. For instance, point to a cup and slowly say the word.

    Give simple directions

    Your baby can now start to understand some basic commands. Ask them to come to you. Say no firmly when you want them to stop eating the dog’s food.

    Sing favorite songs

    Small children enjoy interactive songs. Share your old favorites like I’m a Little Teacup or The Itsy-Bitsy Spider. Create some tunes of your own.

    Match them up

    By the time they reach four months, most babies are ready for some friends their own age in addition to your company. Look for organized groups in your community and stay close by to supervise and provide support.

    Your baby loves it when you to talk with them. Make them happy and encourage their language and social skills by having conversations, reading, singing, and playing games.

    Related: How To Survive Motherhood

  • The Ultimate Guide On Growth Mindset For Moms & Kids

    Growth mindset has been the talk of the decade. I’m not one to follow trends but, this one is worth it! As parents, it’s our responsibility to create an environment where a growth mindset can flourish. 

    So, What Is Growth Mindset?

    A “growth mindset,” as Carol Dweck coined the phrase, is the belief that you can grow your mind. In her book- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, she explains that while a “fixed mindset” assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static givens that can’t be changed. A growth mindset, however, thrives on challenge and sees failure “not as evidence of unintelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities.

    “Believing that your qualities are carved in stone creates an urgency to prove yourself over and over. If you have only a certain amount of intelligence, a certain personality, and a certain moral character, well then you’d better prove that you have a healthy dose of them. It simply wouldn’t do to look or feel deficient in these most basic characteristics.

    Dweck believes a fixed mindset can negatively impact all aspects of your life. When you start viewing things as changeable, you can see the situation in a clearer picture.

    A growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts.

    Although people may differ in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments, and personalities, adults, children, including your students CAN change and GROW through application and experience. When you change your perspective, you can change what you strive for your view of success. Changing your definition of failure allows you to grow further. In this mindset, the hand you’re dealt is just the starting point for development. 

    The Ultimate Guide On Growth Mindset For Moms & Kids 2
    Incremental theory of Intelligence states that intellect and ability are traits that are malleable. In essence, we can improve our brain through hard work and effort!

    Differences Between a Growth Vs Fixed Mindset

    Here’s a list of traits for each type of mindset:

    A Fixed Mindset Says:

    • I like my work to be easy
    • I don’t like to take on a challenge
    • I want people to praise me for how clever I am
    • I believe I cannot change how smart I am
    • I don’t like to try new things because I won’t be very good at it
    • I give up easily

    A Growth Mindset (Positive Mindset) Says:

    • I never give up
    • I like my work to be difficult – it means I am learning
    • I love challenges
    • I want people to praise me for the effort I put into my work
    • I believe I can get more intelligent by working hard
    • I feel clever when I’m learning something new
    • I learn from my mistakes
    The Ultimate Guide On Growth Mindset For Moms & Kids 3

    Simple Ways To Support Your Child’s or Student’s Growth Mindset

    Ask open-ended questions when solving a problem

    • What do you think will happen if…
    • Why do you suppose…

    These questions build a child’s critical thinking skills and lead to those enriching “lightbulb” moments.

    Give specific feedback on what the child accomplishes

    Moms (and most parents) love to use phrases like “you’re brilliant”, “you made that look so easy”, “you’re so clever” but praise like this doesn’t tell your child what they have done well. Comments like these just reinforce a fixed mindset in your child. Instead, use praises that target a specific action they’ve done like- “you sounded that word out really carefully and used your phonics – well done” or “I like how you kept going at swimming and tried to get all the way to the other side.”

    Encourage kids to take risks (healthy ones of course)

    Watch and listen to your child so you can take cues about what else they are ready to tackle. Vygotsky calls this the “zone of proximal development”. It’s when we gently nudge children to use what they know, to try something new (just a bit out of their reach, but developmentally appropriate.) By offering small but achievable challenges, they become more confident and persistent. Its one of the best ways to increase their self-esteem!

    Be persistent and growth-orientated yourself

    Try and narrate your thoughts or situations out-loud when you try something new or frustrating. This will give your child a chance to see you work through hard problems in a GROWTH way and with a healthy perspective. Try to avoid using fixed mindset terms when referring to yourself. So for example, you shouldn’t tell your child “oh, I’m horrible at such and such.”

    This will give your children the message that you are either good at writing or not good at writing and there’s nothing you can do about it. On the other hand, using a growth mindset tone, you might say- “Such and such was tricky for me, but if you keep trying and learning from your mistakes, you’ll get there.

    Don’t sweat the small stuff

    Accidents and mistakes happen. Show your child that there’s a lesson to be had when we don’t achieve what we set out to accomplish. It’s okay to switch direction, abandon a project for a bit or slow down. No matter what always remember to be specific about what worked, identify the emotions involved, offer encouragement for the next time and figure what the next steps are. Celebrate mistakes as growth because of the lessons learned. One consequence I’ve learned by not doing this, is that you risk allowing anxiety to manifest in your child or even yourself. So, be sure to focus on these things!

    Mistakes = Marvelous Mistakes!

    The Ultimate Guide On Growth Mindset For Moms & Kids 4

    Access Your Child’s Mindset

    Take some time to understand your child’s mindset and thoughts. Pen in some time every day to have chats with your children (this may look different for every child depending on the age but it’s relevant for any child from the age of 2+) Once you have an understanding of where your kids “head is at” you can work on shifting their perspective or supporting the mindset that’s growing.

    Tangible “Hands-On” Actions To Take

    1. Make mistakes in front of your kids
    2. Have a positive reaction to those mistakes
    3. And openly reflect on what could be learned from the mistake. Try to show that it’s all about learning, not about being right.
    • At mealtimes, talk about a time that you struggled with something and how hard it is and how you overcame it. Then ask your kids if there’s anything they struggled with, how they overcome it, and what they learned from the experience.
    • Get excited when your child makes a mistake and help her think through what could be learned from it. Even mistakes that seem careless can be good learning opportunities. For example, if your child forgot to study enough for an important test, it might be an opportunity to learn about prioritization and to-do-lists.

    Above all, remember this is and will always be an on-going process!

    Growth Mindset Questions

    1. What did you do today that made you think hard?
    2. How will you challenge yourself today?
    3. What can you learn from this?
    4. What strategy can you use to get through this?
    5. Can you think of a mistake you made? How can you learn from this?

    Click Here To Grab a FREE Sheet of Printable Questions Here

    Support Growth Mindset With An Action Plan

    Help children reconnect with a time when they learned something new that was a stretch or a challenge for them.

    Point out the developmental nature of getting good. For example, we all go through the process of making a lot of mistakes, practicing, and then getting better. Help your children get curious about mistakes.

    Help them reframe a mistake as new information or as a step in the process of learning. Also, help them incorporate self-correction in their own learning process.

    Help children learn to hear their own fixed mindset voice too.

    Capture and, in a gentle way, share their statements with them. Most kids are unaware of their self-talk because it’s gone on for so long (all subliminally). Bring that to their forefront awareness so you all can tackle and overcome the issue together.

    • That girl is smart; she never tries and she always gets it
    • I got it wrong again, I’ll never get this

    Help your children talk back to negative self-talk with a growth mindset voice (i.e. give them language).

    •  I am willing to learn new skills to improve, and I know it will hard at times
    • I get better and better with practice, this is hard but will get easier
    • Model growth-mindset at every opportunity when you’re home!

    Tell your child about a time when you didn’t know the answer to a recent question. Who did you ask for help? How did you learn the answer?

    Or ask questions about their opportunities for learning and growth in the coming day or week. What questions do they need answers to? What do they want to learn, practice, and/or get better at today/this week?

    The Ultimate Guide On Growth Mindset For Moms & Kids 5

    The Right & Wrong Way To Give Praise

    Don’t label yourself in ways that model a fixed mindset ( I’m a terrible cook….I was never good at math)

    Shift your child’s attention to the process that led to the outcome. (i.e., cause-effect) Praise and value effort, practice, self-correction, and persistence. Don’t shelter your child from a failed task. Ask “What can you learn from this experience? What could you try differently the next time?”

    Get curious about your child’s work through questioning & positive phrases:

    • How did you figure that out?
    • What’s another way you could have done that?
    • How many times did you try before it turned out that way?
    • What here was challenging and how did you figure it out?
    • What do you plan to do next time?
    • Wow!
    • Look at that!
    • Tell me about it
    • Show me more
    • Can you do it again without help?
    • How did you do that?
    • Let’s see what you did.
    • How do you feel about it?
    • How did you work that out?
    • I see that you _________ (be specific)
    • That looks like it took a lot of effort
    • How many ways did you try it before it turned out the way you wanted it?
    • What do you plan to do next?
    • That looks like it took so much work.
    • Are you pleased with what you did?
    • What questions did you ask?
    • Keep trying and you’ll get there.
    The Ultimate Guide On Growth Mindset For Moms & Kids 6

    Access Your Mindset As A Mom

    Recognize your own mindset

    Be mindful of your own thinking and of the messages you send with your words and actions. This probably should have been the first point. Because,  what if you realize that you don’t have a growth mindset? Where does that leave you? But more importantly, what can you do about it? So, for the sake of this article, I’m gonna get straight to it and assume you have a fixed mindset.

    PS- no worries here. no judgment. I’m honestly right alongside you as I’ve walked down this road and continue to do so every day. its a work in progress.

    Now if you have a growth mindset-awesome! Skip this section and move on the next. If not, let’s continue. First, I’m gonna share my best tips on how to revamp your mindset and then we can move forward to helping our kids. Yea? Okay, great.

    Here are some tips:

    Acknowledge and embrace your own imperfections

    Hiding your weaknesses means you’ll never overcome them and you rob your kids’ chances to see YOU work through them (so they can learn too)

    View challenges as opportunities

    Embrace every opportunity to “fail”. This gives you and your children the ability to appreciate the journey more than the destination. Appreciate the inner growth and then people you become in the process.

    Try something different

    “There’s always another way!”

    Dory, Finding Dory

    The brain is not fixed and your mind shouldn’t be either. Stay connected with new research and data as it is discovered. (you know, for the naysayers)

    Replace the word “failing” with the word “learning”

    When you make a mistake or fall short of a goal, see it as a learning experience, not a failure.

    Stop seeking approval

    If you focus on others’ approval over learning, you’ll sacrifice your own potential for growth. Allow your kiddos to see you demonstrate a bold, unapologetic, leader attitude.

    Value the process over the end result

    People with a growth mindset perspective enjoy the learning process and don’t mind when it doesn‘t go exactly to plan.

    Cultivate a sense of purpose

    Dweck’s research showed that students with a growth mindset had a greater sense of purpose. But cultivating a growth mindset isn’t just for students. It benefits anyone willing to adapt. Moms and children alike. Keep the big picture in mind.

    Celebrate growth with others

    Share your progress with others, especially with your family. It’s an easy way to open the door to open communication.

    Emphasize growth over speed

    Learning fast isn’t the same as learning well, and learning well sometimes requires allowing time for mistakes.

    Reward effort, not traits

    Praise yourself when you’re doing something smart, not just being smart.

    Redefine “genius

    Genius’ requires hard work, not talent alone!

    Portray criticism as positive

    Constructive criticism allows us (and our kids) to learn how to grow from the comments of others. Without becoming stagnant due to negative emotions that may arise from them.

    Disassociate improvement from failure

    Don’t assume that “room for improvement” equals failure. It doesn’t.

    Provide regular opportunities for reflection

    Allow yourself the opportunity to reflect on your learning at least once a day. Reflecting will cultivate an attitude of gratitude and naturally help rid any anxiety that rises up in your kids.

    Place effort before talent

    Hard work should always be rewarded before skills. Continue to acknowledge any struggles and validate their feelings.

    Highlight the relationship between learning and “brain training”

    The brain is like a muscle that needs to be worked out, just like the body. And like every other muscle in our body. It grows.

    Cultivate “grit

    If you develop grit, you’ll be more likely to seek approval from yourself rather than others. And in turn, so will your kids

    Abandon the image

    “Naturally smart” sounds just about as believable as “spontaneous generation.” You won’t achieve the image if you’re not ready for the work.

    Use the word “yet”

    Dweck says “not yet” has become one of her favorite phrases. Whenever you see yourself struggling with a task, just remind yourself that you haven’t mastered it yet. This is one of the core basic concepts of creating a growth mindset. It’s with good reason! It is one of the best, fastest and easiest ways to shift negative mindsets.

    Learn from other people’s mistakes

    It’s not always wise to compare yourself to others, but it is important to realize that humans share the same weaknesses. If your children or students have siblings, encourage them to use their mistakes or setbacks as an opportunity to practice a positive mindset.

    Make a new goal for every goal accomplished

    No one will ever be done learning. Growth-minded people know how to constantly create new goals to keep themselves stimulated.

    Take risks in the company of others

    Stop trying to save face and give yourself permission to goof up now and then. It will make it easier to take risks in the future!

    Think realistically about time and effort

    It takes time to learn. Don’t expect to master every topic under the sun in one sitting. #imsuperguiltyofthis *shoulder shrug*

    Take ownership over your attitude

    Once you develop a growth mindset, own it! Acknowledge yourself as someone who possesses a growth mentality and be proud to let it guide you throughout your educational career.

    Acknowledge and embrace imperfections

    Hiding from your weaknesses means you’ll never overcome them.

    View challenges as opportunities

    Having a growth mindset means relishing opportunities for self-improvement.

    Try different learning tactics

    There’s no one-size-fits-all model for learning. What works for one person may not work for you (or your children.)

    Keep up with brain plasticity research

    Stay connected with new research and data as it is discovered and developed. (you know, for the naysayers)

    Replace the word “failing” with the word “learning”

    When you make a mistake or fall short of a goal, you haven’t failed; you’ve learned something new.

    Stop seeking approval

    When you prioritize approval over learning, you sacrifice your own potential for growth.

    Value the process over the end result

    Intelligent people enjoy the learning process and don’t mind when it continues beyond an expected time frame.

    Cultivate a sense of purpose.

    Dweck’s research also showed that students with a growth mindset had a greater sense of purpose. Keep the big picture in mind. You have a PURPOSE. You matter.

    Celebrate growth with others

    If you truly appreciate growth, you’ll want to share your progress with others.

    Everything in life requires hard work, not talent alone!

    The Ultimate Guide On Growth Mindset For Moms & Kids 7

    Growth Mindset Journals for Kids & Moms

    Cultivating a growth mindset doesn’t happen overnight. But, it certainly doesn’t take forever either. However, with diligence and opportunity, it’ll come MUCH faster. I’ve created a growth mindset journal for both myself and my littles after spending hours scouring the internet for suitable ones.

    My kiddos are both under ten and I wanted something that would work for both a big toddler and a child. And I couldn’t find anything that

    1. Didn’t cost an arm and leg for what I was getting in return and

    2. Was suitable for BOTH of my kids and

    3. Was complete with everything I needed and not just ABC, then having to purchase more products to fill the gaps.

    So when I couldn’t find it, I created my own.

    And because my readers are my favorite people (seriously, I appreciate you sticking around and listening to what I’ve got to say)

    I want to gift them to you for an insanely low price. You won’t find this offer anywhere else>

    growth mindset workbook colouring book for kids


    15 + Animated Growth Mindset Movies For The Family

    • Inside Out: Story of a girl who harnesses her emotions in a positive way by growing through hardship
    • Brave: Story of a princess who looks past tradition to see a new future
    • Trolls: Story of creatures who have a positive outlook on finding the way out of their peril
    • Finding Nemo: Story of a father who is persistent in then journey to find his son
    • Finding Dory: Story of a daughter (fish) who is persistent in finding her parents
    • Storks: A journey pf a human girl that stops at nothing to deliver another baby & return to where she belongs
    • The Little Prince: Story of determined mother that enforces perfectionism on her daughter. A daughter fights to go against it and live a happy life
    • Zootopia: Story of a determined rabbit to break tradition, barriers and glass ceilings to pursue her dream job
    • Sing: Story of an elephant that overcomes her fear of public singing
    • Moana: Story of a girl going against her culture to chase after old family traditions and finds purpose
    • Coco: Story of a boy who longs to express his heart through music which goes against his family’s traditions only to find that his true longing is his family’s culture.
    • Leap!: Story of a girl that’s determined to run after her dreams, no matter what it takes.
    • Frozen: Story of a girl learning to control her magical powers and how it affects everyone around her.
    • Up: Story of a husband determined to keep his promise to his wife no matter what.
    • Wall-E: The journey of a robot who lives to clean a deserted world.
    • Piper: Story of a reluctant bird that shies away from the status quo, only to discover he can redefine it.
    The Ultimate Guide On Growth Mindset For Moms & Kids 8

    Growth Mindset Books for Kids Under 10

    Some of our family’s favorite growth mindset books are: (not necessarily in this order) 

    • My Beautiful Oops: This is a fantastic story of artwork gone “wrong”
    • The Crayons That Quit:
    • The Dot: A beautiful story of a girl that creates and finds her ability to be creative

    There are a ton more- Click this post here for MORE GROWTH MINDSET BOOKS & summaries as well as direct links to the books.

    Growth Mindset Posters

    Here are some growth mindset posters for you FREE!

    Videos to Understand How Growth Mindset Works

    Here’s an introduction to the brain:

    Understand Growth Mindset:

    Understand The Neuroscience Behind It:

    Examples of Famous Failures That Support Growth Mindset:

    Growth Mindset VS Fixed Mindset:

    Develop a Growth Mindset:

    “In one world, effort is a bad thing. It, like failure, means you’re not smart or talented. If you were, you wouldn’t need effort. In the other world, effort is what makes you smart or talented.

    Carol Dweck

    87 Famous Failures That Support The Growth Mindset

    1. Ada Lovelace
    2. Amelia Earhart
    3. Audrey Hepburn
    4. Aung San Suu Kyi
    5. Bessie Coleman
    6. Betty Holberton
    7. Beyonce
    8. Billie Holiday
    9. Billie Jean King
    10. Danica Patrick
    11. Ellen Degeneres
    12. Florence Nightingale
    13. Frida Kahlo
    14. Harriet Tubman
    15. Helen Keller
    16. Indira Gandhi
    17. Jane Goodall
    18. J.K. Rowling
    19. Joan of Arc
    20. Julia Child
    21. Katherine Johnson
    22. Katie Ledecky
    23. Lindsey Vonn
    24. Lisa Leslie
    25. Lucille Ball
    26. Mae Jemison
    27. Malala Yousafzai
    28. Marie Curie
    29. Maya Angelou
    30. Mia Hamm
    31. Michelle Kwan
    32. Michelle Obama
    33. Misty Copeland
    34. Oprah Winfrey
    35. Rosa Parks
    36. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
    37. Sally Ride
    38. Serena Williams
    39. Simone Biles
    40. Sojourner Truth
    41. Sonia Sotomayor
    42. Whoopi Goldberg
    43. Wilma Rudolph
    44. Abraham Lincoln
    45. Alan Turing
    46. Albert Einstein
    47. Alexander Graham Bell
    48. Aristotle
    49. Arthur Ashe
    50. Barack Obama
    51. Benjamin Franklin
    52. Bill Gates
    53. Bruce Lee
    54. Cesar Chavez
    55. David Beckham
    56. Fred Rogers
    57. Henry Ford
    58. Ichiro Suzuki
    59. Isaac Newton
    60. Jackie Robinson
    61. Jesse Owens
    62. Jim Henson
    63. John McCain
    64. Leonardo Da Vinci
    65. Mahatma Gandhi
    66. Martin Luther King Jr.
    67. Michael Jordan
    68. Michael Phelps
    69. Muhammad Ali
    70. Neil Armstrong
    71. Pablo Picasso
    72. Peyton Manning
    73. Roberto Clemente
    74. Shel Silverstein
    75. Stan Lee
    76. Steph Curry
    77. Stephen Hawking
    78. Steve Jobs
    79. Steven Spielberg
    80. Thurgood Marshall
    81. Usain Bolt
    82. Allyson Felix
    83. Walt Disney
    84. Wayne Gretzky
    85. William Shakespeare
    86. Winston Churchill
    87. Wright Brothers

    Growth Mindset Quotes From “Famous Failures”

    You never fail until you stop trying.

    Albert Einstein

    NOthing is impossible. The word itself says “I’m possible”

    Audrey Hepburn

    If you’re feeling helpless, help someone.

    Aung San Suu Kyu

    Yes, we can.

    Barack Obama

    We do not need magic to transform our world. We can carry all the power we need inside ourselves.

    J.K. Rowling

    Click here for More Growth Mindset Quotes

    How to Use The Power of Yet

    The term “yet” as I’ve mentioned is such a powerful term. It releases this feeling of hope and positivity. As one can feel confident in the idea that they can grow, learn and discover new things.

    The Ultimate Guide On Growth Mindset For Moms & Kids 9

    How To Foster a Growth Mindset In Your Homeschool

    Portray criticism as positive

    You don’t have to use that hackneyed term, “constructive criticism,” but you DO have to believe in the concept.

    Disassociate improvement from failure

    Stop assuming that “room for improvement” translates into failure. It doesn’t.

    Provide regular opportunities for reflection

    Allow your kids to reflect on their learning.

    Place effort before talent

    Hard work should always be rewarded before inherent skills.

    Highlight the relationship between learning and “brain training”

    The brain is like a muscle that needs to be worked out, just like the body.

    Cultivate grit

    Kids with that extra bit of determination will be more likely to seek approval from themselves rather than others.

    Abandon the image

    Whatever prenotions your kids have worked up in their minds about being “smart,” Teach them to #Fahgeddaboutem.

    Always add the term”yet

    Whenever you or your child hits a stumbling block or there’s something you can’t do. Remember “yet” and add that to the end of ALL your phrases. I can’t do such and such, YET.

    Learn from other people’s mistakes

    It’s almost never wise to compare yourself to others, but it is important to realize that everyone can learn from other people’s experiences and mistakes.

    Make a new goal every time you accomplish a goal

    Just like I tell my kiddos, we’re always students and we’ll never be done learning. Try not to toss a subject to the side simply because you aren’t required to “know” it anymore. Growth-minded people know how to constantly create new goals to keep themselves stimulated.

    Take risks in the company of others

    It’s easy to take risks when we’re alone and no one can judge us! Get comfortable taking risks around others as well.

    Think realistically about time and effort

    It takes time to learn. It takes time to pump out a quality project. Don’t expect to master every topic under the sun in one sitting.

    Take ownership of your attitude

    Once you develop a growth mindset, own it. Acknowledge yourself as someone who possesses a growth mentality and be proud to let it guide you throughout your life.

    Modeling a growth mindset means being willing to try hard even when failure is likely because that’s when massive growth happens. For example, parents should try to get excited when their children make mistakes because these mistakes can reveal important gaps that should be filled.

    When adults get excited about “learning” and making mistakes, children start to think of mistakes as a natural part of the learning process. (and leads to changes in learning behavior overall) Your children will become less likely to try and “sweep mistakes under the rug” because they’ll stop thinking of them as something to be ashamed of and see it as a learning experience.

    Focus on Tasks that Require Perseverance

    Never try to lower the standards for your children. Or “help” them too much. No one understands how easy this can be while homeschooling better than me. So be on the lookout for it. The last thing you want is to raise a child that feels entitled to easy work.

    Now, I assume you’ve done this already but be sure to teach your child about how their brain works and how they can grow their brains. And if you need help doing this, be sure to grab our Growth Mindset Bundle for Kids from our shop.

    Reflect On Your Own Biases

    When you’re teaching your kids, it’s so easy to get frustrated with their inability to grasp a concept and revert to fixed mindset language. Like- “____ wasn’t born with it so I won’t waste my time. It’s easy for parents to hide their own lack of ability behind statements like these. So, it’s important to have honest reflections with yourself, and ideally with each other, about our own biases. Remember, it’s okay for your child to be stuck. That’s when the best learning is done. Praise effort and persistence.

    The Ultimate Guide On Growth Mindset For Moms & Kids 10

    Best Affirmations to Teach Growth Mindset

    We celebrate making mistakes – we can learn from them

    We never give up – perseverance is the key if we are to succeed

    We learn from each other

    We don’t compare ourselves with others

    We challenge ourselves and take risks

    We remember that our brains are making new connections and growing all the time

    Praise the amount of effort your child is putting into things rather than how clever they are

    Talk to your children about their brain being like a muscle – the more they use it, the stronger it gets

    Encourage your children to not give up if they are finding something difficult

    Challenge your children to try something new

    Growth Mindset Fun

    Growth Mindset Coloring Book

    A beautiful 100-page coloring book!

    You can purchase this Growth Mindset Coloring Book for Kids and Adults! here.

    Is Growth Mindset Real Science or Pseudoscience?

    I’ll be honest and say I’m still unsure. The funny thing about Pseudoscience is that it’s too “slippery” to disprove. And so, we have to let time reveal its truth. I’ve spent hours upon hours researching this topic. Here are a few articles worth reading that may pique your interest:

    • This person isn’t sold on this mindset

    Grab Your Growth Mindset Journal Now!

    Growth mindset does not equal toxic positivity, rather it is the acceptance and realization that failure and challenges are a part of growth

    happy girl child
    happy mother
  • 2022 Honest VIPKid Review (from a SAHM)

    2020 Honest VIPKid Review (from a SAHM)

    Thinking about applying to VIPKid? Awesome! I’m a current teacher, and I’ve been working for this online company for a few months now, and I want to share my honest thoughts and feedback with you. 

    This “review” won’t be like the others you’ll find on the internet that are outdated from eons ago (from teachers that applied when it was really easy/new). No. I’ll give you insight into what it’s like to apply to VIPKid during a worldwide crisis and get hired. 

    I’ll share specifics on how I managed to apply when they had an influx of 30,000+ teachers applying and get hired on the first try. I’ll do my best to answer all of your basic and complex questions. 

    Let get started:

    What is VIPKID?

    VIPKID is an online English teaching platform connecting students from China with native English speakers in the US or Canada. (Sorry, brits they don’t hire outside these two countries as they want a “northern” accent. However, there are plenty of other companies that do). 

    Is VIPkid a multi-level marketing company?

    No! VIP kid is not a multi-level marketing company. (However, they do offer teachers compensation for referrals.)

    VIPKid is the real deal. It’s the leading education startup for virtual ESL lessons in China. It’s NOT a scam. They are a global education company that provides real teaching jobs for qualified candidates. I’ll get into some of the challenges. Still, VIPKid is a legit “side hustle” for teachers, moms, or anyone looking to leverage their skills and education to make money online (many have made it their full-time job and earn a decent income!)

    vipkid teacher

    What Is The VIPKID Hiring Process?

    There are several requirements VIPKID teachers must meet to teach with VIPKID; three of these requirements are non-negotiable. VIPKID teachers must hold a Bachelor’s degree (in any subject), one year of experience working with children, and the legal right to work in the US or Canada (also, effective 2020, you cannot be a resident from California). If you do happen to live in this state and are keen to work for VIPKid, I’ve seen teachers hired successfully in other ways I can share at another time. I want you to know that the teaching experience you list does not need to be a classic standard classroom experience. Of course, you can share the timeframe for any teaching jobs you had, but more importantly, you want to list any teaching skills you may have. 

    If you meet these three requirements, you can continue through the hiring process. 

    Can I apply to VIP kid if I don’t have a bachelor’s degree?

    Unfortunately no.

    Note: VIPKid will not budge on the education requirements. If you do not hold a bachelor’s degree, you won’t be hired. 

    Don’t have a bachelor’s degree? Click here to read this helpful, in-depth post on how to make money online.

    The VIPKid hiring process includes a demo lesson, a mock class, a TESOL course (if you don’t already have a teaching license or are not yet TESOL / TEFL certified), and of course, finally, signing the contract.

    Here’s a more detailed look on the application process:

    VIPKid Job Application Process


    Please note, all views, opinions, and expressions are my own and not affiliated with VIPKid.

    If you’re looking for ways to earn quick spending money, You can consider doing surveys with legitimate sites like, as well as doing things online you’d be doing anyway, like searching the web and playing games with Swagbucks. They’ll also pay you to watch videos and visit websites.  

    2022 Honest VIPKid Review (from a SAHM) 11

    How Do I Teach For VIPKid? (The Application Process)

    You can sign up for VIPKid here.

    Here’s everything you need to know about becoming a VIPKID teacher:

    The VIPKID sign up process is super simple. Just follow the few steps below to get started!

    1. Create A Profile And Fill Out The Online Application

    Fill out the application form with your experience. Make sure to mention if you have any previous teaching experience.

    2. 10 Minute Interview

    This first interview will be a demo class with one of the interviewers. During the interview, you will teach them a lesson like they are a five-year-old. This is an opportunity to demonstrate your teaching abilities and will determine your base pay level, so practice beforehand!

    3. Attend The Virtual Training

    VIPKID offers teacher training. Once you’ve completed your first interview, you will enter the “certification center” where you will do all of your teacher training. It should only take you a few hours and will prepare you for your mock class!

    4. Teach A Short Demo Mock Class

    Once you’ve gone through the initial training, you will do a mock class. This is another 10-minute lesson that you will do with the current VIPKID teacher. You will teach them a lesson, which will help them gauge if you are ready to teach one on one.

    If you don’t pass the first time, don’t worry! You can redo the mock class until you pass.

    5. Sign Your Contract

    Will I need to sign a contract?

    Yes, now that you’ve passed your mock class, you are ready to become a VIPKID teacher!

    It takes a little bit of time to go through the sign-up process, but it is worth it!

    BONUS: Here Are Some Tips!

    VIPKid loves “TPR” (which stands for Total Physical Response). TPR is a teaching method that focuses on the coordination of language and physical movement. Use a lot of hand and body gestures while teaching. Also, being bubbly and smiling a lot will do wonders.

    Of course, these sites won’t provide the kind of income that VIPKid will. 

    Another option, if you’re not able to get hired, is to start an online business.

    If you want to work from home because of health issues, young children to take care of, or you simply need more time and freedom in your life, an online business could be exactly what you need or are looking for. 

    For your peace of mind- remember that they give useful feedback after the mock class interview. And in the off chance you don’t pass the first time, you can practice, apply the feedback, and try again. Don’t give up after one try! 

    2022 Honest VIPKid Review (from a SAHM) 12

    What Does VIPKID Pay?

    As of 2020, VIPKID rolled out significant changes to its pay scale. (Note: Because I was new, I did not notice a drastic difference with the new pay scale. However, a lot of teachers voiced their complaints over and over) 

    Teachers used to make between $20-22 per hour. Now, most teachers earn between $17-19 per hour. I have made anywhere between $17-23 per hour. It is still possible, and I’ll explain a little more about how these stark vast differences in payments occur.

    Note: Your credentials and demo lesson performance determine the base rate.

    The incentives are applied to each half-hour rate. Before 2020, the base rate was between $8-10. However, after good ‘ole c-o-v-i-d decided to pay a visit, thousands of teachers began to apply, and most, if not ALL, teachers were offered a base rate between $7-7.50. I realize this SUCKS. I know.

    (This happened to teachers with years and years of experience, professional certifications, and more. Nothing seemed to impact the starting rates for teachers.)

    VIPKid Incentives And Contests

    Participation/Finished class Incentive – up to $3 (per half hour) (Based on punctuality, teaching according to schedule and number of classes taught.)

    In short, this incentive is determined by the number of classes you finish and complete in a month. 

    Also, they have periodic contests, prizes, raffles, and bonuses.

    How Much Money Can You Make Per Month With VIPKID

    How much you make per month with VIPKid will depend on how many classes you teach. Some VIPKID teachers work a couple of hours per week on the side, while others work it as a full-time job. It is absolutely possible to work 40+ hours per week with VIPKID. I personally know a mom that works 70-80 hours a week! I find it totally nuts! But, it works and can be done! You’re looking to make this teaching job your main household income; it’s definitely possible. 

    At this point in time, I have only made between a few hundred to roughly $1500. However, I never aim to work 40 hours a week, nor do I open my schedule wide enough for this to happen. Ideally, I like to work around 20 hours or less a week. This allows me to keep my sanity LOL and fulfill all my other engagements #helloparenting #hellowahms without becoming burned out. 

    It is important to remember that you may have slower bookings if you have just started, until you’ve taught a few classes and begin having repeat students. This means you shouldn’t expect to make a lot of money from the get-go.

    As time goes on and you book more classes, you can steadily earn more, increase your rate, and get various bonuses. Your total earning opportunities will grow with time. Patience and perseverance are key! 

    2022 Honest VIPKid Review (from a SAHM) 13

    How Old Are VIPKid Students?

    VIPKID students range in age from as young as 3 to as old as 15 years old. There is such a diverse age group with this company. There are tons of young learners and many older ones as well. Please, students, this is one of the best-personalized learning options available to them. They all also have varying levels of English comprehension. All of the lesson plan materials and PPT slides are provided for teachers. We teach exclusively on the VIPKID interactive platform, which is assessed via the desktop app or apple mobile app.

    What Do I Like About VIPKID?

    First things first, I want to start on a positive note because, ultimately, I really like this company. (So far anyway. I’ve seen a ton of negative feedback, BUT for me, in 2020, this has not been the case) 

    Here are the things I love about VIPKid:

    1. You can create a flexible schedule with VIPKID (Teach English Online)

    The flexibility and freedom that VIPKID provides me is the best part of this gig. Being able to create my own schedule and work when I want, wherever I want is fantastic.

    As a full-time traveling family, it’s a relief to find work that can support our lifestyle. It’s also lovely to book short-notice lessons whenever I realize that I have extra time on my hands or need funds quickly.

    With VIPKID, I am my own boss. The company cannot tell me how many hours I need to work or when I need to work. This makes for an excellent work-life balance.

    2. With VIPKID, you can teach from anywhere in the world

    HAve reliable WiFi? Excellent, that’s pretty much all you need. Yes, really.

    3. It’s a low-stress job (for the right person)

    I’ve worked in nearly every industry since I was a young teen, and this has been one of the most straightforward jobs by far. 

    You wake up, teach your students, and go back to sleep or not…. 

    Wear yoga pants or not… You have so much freedom!

    The materials are provided for you, and all you need to do is teach the information to them for 25 minutes. (And to most students, it’s practically a review of the material. You’re essentially presenting the information to them with a clear northern accent instead.)

    Now, there may be times when a student misbehaves, but it doesn’t happen often. With me as your mentor, I’ll personally guide you and prepare you to best handle these situations without losing your marbles. LOL

    Trust me, I’m a self-taught professional peacemaker, never lose my cool and laugh through everything that students through my way. If I can do it, you can too!

    On the other end if you have camera fright or are worried about being judged, i.e. the parents, then your stomach may be in knots for a while friend.

    4. The students are (mostly) wonderful

    Most students come ready to work hard and engage in conversation. They love to share their days and talk to you about life in China and their everyday lives. 

    Allow me to be transparent, though- not EVERY VIPKID student is a perfect little angel. You will run into troublesome (seemingly awful) students who just don’t care, making you want to slam your computer shut and end class early. Until you remember, you won’t get paid LOL and smile your behind through the whole mess! But, I can say that the “good” students outweigh the “bad” students. (I use quotation marks because I loathe calling kids good or bad)

    2022 Honest VIPKid Review (from a SAHM) 14

    5. Little to no prep work

    This is one of my favorite things about working with VIPKID. Most teachers will wholeheartedly agree with me on this, and I’m sure you could read all about this in positive VIPKID reviews floating through the internet.

    Little to zero prep work. VIPKID supplies all of the lesson plans. All you have to do is show up and teach the material.

    Of course, you may want to prep props to engage your students; however, this can be as time-consuming as you desire. 

    This gives me time to work on my businesses, spend time with family, and do more things that bring me joy. 

    6. Payments

    Payments (so far) have always been right on time and without issues. I love that you can choose when you want to get paid.

    VIPKid makes the payment process seamless, and you can be paid weekly, biweekly, or monthly.

    I’ve worked with other companies that have had payment gateway issues or forced you to use a random third-party company to get paid. #nothanks

    And I should know that as of 2020, VIP kid has just ruled out its very own VIP kid payment MasterCard. You can opt to receive your payments via this MasterCard, and you’re pretty much guaranteed to receive your money faster. And I believe it works like a standard debit card where are you’ll be able to transfer money in and out as you please. They also assure you that they do not have access to your transaction history etc.

    One cool feature of this payment gateway is that you’ll have a VIPkid themed card, which is cute. It’s also a guaranteed way to separate and track and manage your teaching earnings, which could help come tax time. I won’t be utilizing this route because you can’t pay rent with a MasterCard, and I feel safer using the banks I’m already working with. 

    7. Time Zones/ Time Difference

    This may be a pro or a con depending on where you are in the world. You work on their schedule, and fortunately for many Americans and Canadians, this means working in odd hours of the day or night. 

    However, if you are a traveling American, this may be to your advantage as the time difference gap is minimized. 

    8. Online Teaching Referrals

    Once you are hired as a VIPkid teacher you will have the opportunity to become a referer for the company. VIP kid is one of the few companies that has quite a generous referral payout rate. In short, what this means is that if you refer a family member or friend to work with VIP kid and they are hired, then you will receive a commission for their hiring. 

    Please be mindful, though, that if you choose to become a referral, you are essentially becoming a mentor for those applying to become a VIP kid teacher under your link. 

    9. VIPKid Teacher Support

    This is a more sensitive topic as I’ve seen many complaints in this area. However, I find that VIPkid’s technical support is beneficial, professional, and well supported. They currently use both a live chat and an online ticketing system. Should you have any issues that arise, you may contact VIP kid via the live chat on the desktop app or in the mobile app. You can also submit a ticket where they offer extensive topics and other support.

    On rare occasions, you’ll find that the support’s language may seem harsh or unclear or perhaps robotic due to the language differences and online translators. 

    10. Training And Workshops

    VIPKID continuously offers training workshops, evaluations, and more, to help teachers become better at their job. You are continually improving yourself and as much as possible, giving the best quality of English education to your students.

    11. VIPKID Continuous Improvements

    A sign of a good company is when they are constantly finding ways to better themselves. VIPKID tries to provide the best working environment and learning environment for teachers and the students.

    VIPKID reviews feedback and suggestions from teachers and parents; they continuously improve their systems and curriculum to make sure they are giving the best to their clients.

    12. Supportive Community

    When you join VIPKID, you aren’t just alone by yourself teaching. There is a group of teachers out there that you can reach out to that are willing to share tips, ideas, advice, and support. You can join chat groups, forums, Facebook communities, and you can even do meetups.

    13. Time Commitment

    The contract is for six months only, but you can renew it. The good thing about this is that you won’t be required to work too much during the week, and you also aren’t bound to a long contract (if that benefits you). If you are looking for a long time stable job, though, this might not be the one for you.

    If you’ve read these VIPKID reviews and decided to take the plunge, click to sign up here

    What I Don’t Like About VIPKID

    Now let’s turn to the negative section of this VIPKID review. These are the things I don’t like or necessarily agree with when it comes to VIPKID.

    I promise to be as truthful, open, and transparent as I share my experience. 

     Whether other VIPKID teachers agree with me or not Is irrelevant. These are opinions and statements are my own and not at all affiliated with VIPKid. 

    1. Peak teaching hours are unusual (time zone)

    As I previously mentioned, time zones can be either positive or negative for some people.

    Since we are working with students in China, we have to cater to their hours. Unfortunately for those residing in the US and Canada, this could mean getting up at 3 a.m. to teach classes.

    On the flip side, if you’re an American or Canadian residing overseas, then this works out in your benefit!

    2022 Honest VIPKid Review (from a SAHM) 15

    2. The interview process can be daunting and nerve-wracking.

    After talking to other aspiring VIPKID teachers and veteran teachers, I can confidently say that one of the most common negative reviews of this company is the grueling hiring process.

    To begin teaching with VIPKID, you’ll need to complete the basic information section where VIPKID determines if you meet all of the requirements. Next, you’ll need to complete a short quiz and demo. After, you’ll have the mock class, which is the most challenging part of the hiring process.

    The long and winding road to becoming a VIPKID teacher turns a lot of possible applicants off.

    To be fair, VIPKID must be sure that applicants can teach the given curriculum to standard. It doesn’t help to throw new teachers into the classroom without correctly preparing them.

    Another thing to note is that the hiring process doesn’t have to be difficult. Many teachers complete the entire process within a week and begin teaching a few days after that. With a veteran teacher to help, you can make the process quick and painless. I’m happy to walk alongside you and provide all the support you need. 

    If you’re looking for a referring teacher, use my link to sign up with VIPKID: VIPKID Teach.

    Once you’ve used my link, send me an email at:


    So I can get in contact with you!

    Feel free to grab your free guide here.

    3. No benefits for teachers

    As I read through many negative VIPKID reviews on the internet, I notice that a lot of people bring up the fact that VIPKID teachers don’t receive benefits like a 401K, paid time-off, etc.

    For me, this was a major downfall. As I Mom with a family, it was important to work for a company that would provide health insurance and other benefits.

    Unfortunately, if you decide to work for VIPKid please understand that you are hired as an independent contractor, which means NO benefits are applicable, No matter how many hours you work. 

     Alternatively, working for VIPKID has its own unique benefits. You can take time off whenever you would like. There is no minimum commitment, you can teach extra or teach less if you choose, and you can teach from anywhere in the world.

    As I continued to work with VIPKID, I found ways to replace the benefits that I would be earning from a 9-5 job. We have found affordable health care, we have figured out how to save for retirement, and much more. If you are looking for ideas on how to save money, feel free to check out this article here. 

    5. Absences & Tardiness Come At A High Price

    This is a huge one on although it seems obvious, I’ll explain in more detail now why this is a huge negative. 

    One of the things you must be aware of when signing up for VIPKID is that once you book classes, you must show up to them. Absences are not well-received at all. I understand VIPkid’s policies as an employer; however, nonetheless, I find they are quite strict.

    If you’re one to miss work often, this might not be the job for you. Of course, you can take as much time off as you’d like, but if you sign up for classes, they expect you to be there.

    Allow me to explain. If you are unable to show up for a class and find yourself needing to cancel, there are repercussions. First, there are monetary fees incurred. The fees they charge you for canceling a class will depend on when the class is canceled and how many days or hours you have until that class is scheduled. In addition, they will ding your account and profile for the next 30 days. This means that when you cancel a class or do not show up for a class, it will be marked on your profile, and you will nearly lose points, and your percentage will go down. Parents can see this, and this will affect your bookings. Also, should your attendance rate fall under 95%, I believe your profile will not populate in the app for parents during bookings. 

    To me, this is quite a harsh punishment if you will. Thirty days seems quite restrictive and strong for a missing class, no matter the reason. 

    6. Technical Issues

    Technical issues can be a big deal. I’m often paranoid about them as well. They can range from a momentary glitch to not being able to connect, and if you can’t connect, you can’t teach. If you can’t teach, you can’t make money. And again, not only that, but you are also penalized monetarily. 

    For this reason alone, making this a full-time job could be risky, especially if you eventually consider quitting your current job. If you’re living the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle, this is something you might consider.

    7. Connecting With Students

    Beyond the 25 minutes you’re allotted for every class, I find that it is challenging to connect with the students on any level because there is simply no time. Nor any support beyond the parent to parent feedback that you will write. 

    It can be challenging to connect with the students to engage their likes and dislikes within this time frame. 

    Currently, there is no way beyond the parent-parent class feedback to reach out to the parents or the students. And most parents do not respond or provide feedback. 

    8. Parental Complaints and Control

    Some report that dealing with parents can be difficult as they sometimes try to control the lesson and/or leave negative feedback that VIPKid tends to back and support. This is understandable since the parents are the ultimate customers, and the customer is always right. Even if and when they’re wrong. Remember that as an independent contractor, ultimately, you are incredibly expendable. 

    Another note that I want to make is that many teachers feel like the parents tried to control the lesson when this is simply a vast cultural difference and act of respect. You’ll find that many parents may answer for their children or provide their children’s answers before you can engage or teach the child. Again this is an act of respect as they believe it is respectful to be present with a child and be sure that the student does not make any mistakes when speaking to the teacher. 

    As of yet, because he sure you will have access to what is called the student’s learning partner LP for short. Here you can write feedback that the parents may or may not respond to and let the LP know that the parent’s involvement is overbearing. I recommend you proceed with caution. I have lost students when suggesting less parent involvement. 

    9. Teacher Cancellation Policy

    During your contract, you are only allowed six official cancellations. If you are planning to cancel, doing it two weeks in advance is ideal. If you have canceled officially for more than six times within your contract, VIPKID may terminate your contract.

    Anytime you don’t show up for a class for whatever reason and not inform VIPKID, or whenever you inform them that you will cancel less than 2 hours before the class, you will get a $10 deduction from your pay. 

    10. Taxes

    When you work with VIPKID, you are considered an independent contractor. This means you need to pay more taxes (this is because federal and state taxes are not withheld from your pay). 

    11. Unpredictable Source Of Income

    You won’t always have work or booked classes, so it’s not a stable source of income. Some days you could have a lot of classes while other days you might not have. This kind of pattern makes it unreliable, so it is always a good idea to have other income sources just in case. You can consider becoming an ESL teacher for other companies or other work from home opportunities.

    Is VIPKID Worth It? Should You Apply?

    Overall, I think VIPKID is absolutely worth it. The positive VIPKID reviews heavily outweigh the negative VIPKID reviews. I’m thrilled with the success I’ve had teaching with this company. Especially during times of crisis, pandemic, and worldwide protests. I recommend it to anyone looking to earn money right from home.

    Before I signed up to teach with VIPKID, I thought this opportunity was too good to be true. And, I was truly concerned whether it was a spam company or MLM. And honestly, I wish I signed up sooner. I waited two years before realizing that this company was indeed real and not a scam. So, please, don’t be me. If you’re looking for work or want to be a work at home mom, I implore you, apply. You’ll love it. (Flaws and all.)

    I hope that after reading this review of VIPKID, you have a better idea of what this company is about and whether or not it’s a good fit for you.

    Want to teach with VIPKID?

    I Want To Teach With VIPKID

    This is my affiliate link, which means if you use this link to sign up, I will become your VIPKID mentor and referral. I’ll be able to help you through the dreadful hiring process and give you the best advice, tips, and hacks on booking loads classes as quickly as possible.

    If you decide to use my link, send me an email at


    So I can contact you and offer the best tips! You’ll also gain direct access to me via email and voxer, where you can text me any questions you have to get a faster response. You will also snag access to my course to walk you through everything you need to know before applying and after you are hired. You’ll see referral member-only videos I’ve made just for you.

    Want more on VIPKID?

    As a 5-star (5-apple as VIPKid calls it) teacher with VIPKID, I’m offering a free guide to show you exactly how to become a highly demanded teacher. 

    I’ve taught nearly 300 classes (to date), and all my current parent feedback scores are a 5 out of 5. I’m fully booked every week and have multiple “booking requests” outside of my available hours. Ya girl is doing something right, and I’m so excited to help you along this journey as well.

    Grab your free guide below; all we need is your name and email address, and I’ll auto-magically send the guide directly to your inbox.


    Plus: additional content to help you catapult your VIPKID career success!

    Teaching With VIPKid (What You Need To Know)

    At the core of teaching with VIPKid here is what you need to know:

    How to maintain and create a classroom environment:

    In your classroom, you’ll be in charge of creating a space conducive to learning. This is also where you’ll create or implement your reward system. You’ll want to have your props ready and any other external knick-knacks you’ll be using for each class.

    If you’re looking for ideas on how to re-create a traditional classroom setting in your “classroom,” then read this post here. 

    So let me provide some of my best advice for mastering excellent classroom techniques. 

    Efficient Pacing & Timing

    During each class, you’ll want to be sure to allocate a sufficient amount of time for each slide. You need to do your best to pace yourself to be sure that you don’t go over the 25 minutes as you won’t be paid for it nor rush to the material to the point where you’ve completed the class within 15 minutes. Try to remain mindful of the clock and spend no more than 60 seconds, if possible, on every single slide. 

    Build Rapport

    At the beginning of class, You want to spend the first minute or so attempting to quickly build rapport with the student. After quick name introductions, you’ll want to either ask their age or how they’re feeling. Likewise, when class ends, you’ll want to have a proper closing where you end on a positive note, and you praise the student and share appropriate goodbyes. 

    Neither the introduction nor the conclusion of your class should feel rushed, or else you risk a negative parent review or lack of rapport with the student. 

    2022 Honest VIPKid Review (from a SAHM) 16

    Embrace an appropriate Energy Level

    Scaffolding is a technique that I hold near and dear to my heart when teaching my students and my own kids for that matter.

    It’s important to gauge the student’s level when teaching them and speaking to them. Likewise, it’s just as important to engage and embrace the energy level of each student and match it accordingly. 

    Complete Lesson Objectives

    Before you begin any class, be sure to review the course lesson objectives. This will allow you to get perspective into what knowledge the student should be learning and walk away with at the end of class. This will help your scaffolding technique and pacing, as well as extensions. 

    And finally, it’s important to remember that your energy will exude through the camera. So don’t forget to remain confident on the camera. Practice if you must get comfortable being in front of the camera and nail you’re lighting and background. If you can master all of these things, you’ll be well on your way to booking regular students. 

    What Are The Technology Requirements?

    VIPKid requires the following:

    • An Operating System Mac OS X 10.10 or above, Windows 7 or above.
    • CPU Intel Core i3 or above CPU.
    • At Least 4GB RAM Memory.
    • Network Stable Internet connection – 20Mbps (Ethernet Cord Recommended)
    • Flash-Version Download Latest Version.

    Do I need to be able to speak Chinese?

    Good question! No, you do not need to know how to speak Chinese. In fact, even if you are fluent in Chinese, it’s highly discouraged. 

    Will Working For VIPKid Save You Money?

    Yes! Absolutely. By working from home with VIPKid, you’ll find that you can save a lot of money in many different ways. 

    • Car

    If you have a car, you’ll be happy to know that you don’t need to drive anywhere, and because of this, you’ll save plenty of money on gas, repairs, and other car-related costs. 

    • Clothing

    Many days I am teaching from my pajamas, okay, just kidding. Lol Well, maybe a little. Because you’re working from home, you won’t need an extensive wardrobe, and if you opt for a more uniform look, you’ll find that you can simply purchase or use one to two standard staples all the time. For example, many VIP good teachers off to wear orange and so you can purchase an orange sweater or a vest and use that as your daily uniform. Therefore it really won’t matter what you wear under it, and you very well could stay in your pajamas. In addition, the camera frame on the platform is quite small, and so you won’t need to focus on the bottom half of your outfit simply because it cannot be seen. 

    • Food

    If you found yourself spending money eating out for lunch and your workplace now, you won’t have that issue because you’ll be home, and home-cooked meals have never been easier.

    • Tax breaks

    Being an independent crop tractor and working from home means that your privilege with tax breaks that many other individuals are not. There are a ton of things that you can write off that you usually would not be able to for a normal corporate job. 


    Feel free to check out my Teacher Resources page for my favorite stuff for teaching online!

    Like this post? Pin it!   

    How VIPKid Works

    Lessons are provided for you (around 26-30 slides), but there are a few things that you will need.

    Teaching Essential Tech Items VIPKid Teachers Need:

    • A laptop
    • Webcam
    • Headset
    • Internet connection

    Later on, you may want other things like a whiteboard, crayons, markers, stuffed toys, or whatever stuff you would want to use to supplement your teaching. It’s all up to you on how you would like to implement the curriculum.

    Because you’re working on an online platform, there isn’t much you need, especially if you prefer to embrace a minimalist teaching style. 

    VIPKid Working Hours (Peak Hours)

    When it comes to VIPKid hours, you are in control of your schedule, and you can teach however little or much you want. There are no maximum or minimum hours that you should follow. Thank goodness! This isn’t the case with every company. Most companies have a minimum weekly hours that you need to meet. VIPKid truly gives you all the freedom you need to work from home or anywhere in the world. 

    This isn’t the case with every company, by the way. Many companies have a minimum hourly limit that you must teach per week. 

    You can choose your time slots from 9:00 am to 8:30 Beijing time.

    You can choose your schedule for a month in advance. Students will usually book on a weekly basis. You can then alter the schedule as long as no one has reserved it yet.

    With VIPKID, students are the ones booking your classes and not the other way around. Unless you have a regular student who favors your class, you won’t have the same student all the time.

    VIPKID is a great way to earn extra income or have a part-time job if you are interested in teaching English to kids online. If you have a bachelor’s degree, enjoy working with children, and are looking to make some extra money, VIPKID is a great option! 

    Apply to be a VIPKID teacher now!

    Are you a VIPKID teacher? What do you think is it worth it? Let me know in the comments below!

    A tiny request: If you liked this post, please share it?

    I know most people don’t share because they feel like we don’t need their “tiny” social share. 

    But here’s the truth… 

    I built this website piece by piece, one small share at a time, and will continue to do so. So thank you so much for your support, I greatly appreciate it.

    A share from you would seriously help a lot with the growth of this blog.

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