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  • Kids and Screentime

    Kids and screens: Think you know it all? Think again, Here’s Everything You Never Considered (& all the tips you need)

    It’s happened to plenty of parents. The day goes by, and you realize that your kids have spent the better part of the day on a tablet, watching TV, or playing video games. 

    You don’t want them to spend that much time on screens – but it’s hard to get things done when you’re dealing with kids fighting and making messes, or kids distracting you from your other responsibilities.

    If you’re working from home, the schools are closed, and your kids are home all day, this situation is especially frustrating.

    It can also be discouraging when you’re confronted with anger or frustration when you tell them that screen time is over. 

    What’s a good solution for moms and dads who want to limit their kids’ screen time but don’t want to lose their sanity?

    I’ll help you discover practical solutions to these difficult issues.

    You’ll be armed with tools to help your kids put the screens down and spend their time doing other worthwhile and meaningful things. You’ll also find that you have more time to spend as a family – a gift that will benefit every member of your household. 

    What’s the Problem With Screens and Why Do Kids Love Them?

    Screens aren’t evil – but in previous years, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that children five or younger only have one hour of screen time a day. They suggested that children over five limit their screen time to two hours a day.

    Today their guidelines have been shifting as they recognize that we live in a digital age where kids younger than two can access cell phones and tablets. 

    There’s no rules about how much time kids should spend on screens. 

    And if you have a day when your kids spend a lot of time on screens, it doesn’t mean that you’ve failed as a parent. 

    Though we do live in a digital age, you may be wondering if your kids spend too much time on screens. Should you limit them in any way, or should you embrace the age of technology? 

    You may also be wondering why kids love screens so much, and why it can be difficult to reduce the number of hours they spend watching them. 

    Let’s take a look at why kids and adults both love screens. Next, we’ll talk about some of the potential issues with unlimited screen time, and finally, we’ll look at some of the results of limiting screen time.


    Why Do Kids Love Screens So Much?

    Have you ever stopped to wonder why people (kids and adults alike) become so addicted to screens?

    What makes us want to constantly check our phones, and why do we press “continue watching” on Netflix after we’ve already watched three episodes? 

    Consider television. Television has been around since the 1920s, and by the 1950s, many homes in America had a television. Over the years, television has become increasingly more popular. 

     While at one time famous actors would have felt that TV shows weren’t as esteemed as the movies, they now embrace the incredible roles they play on the small screen. With the invention of streaming services, it’s never been easier to watch the flat screen for hours on end. 

    So, what’s so appealing about television that keeps us wanting to watch? 

    Scientists, psychologists, and anthropologists have been studying the trend of binge-watching.

    They identify several key reasons why people love to crash on the couch and binge:

    1. Escapism. TV provides us a way to escape our lives and enter into new adventures and scenarios. 
    1. Writers are good at getting us hooked. TV today is all about compelling storylines and cliffhangers that captivate us. We can’t turn away because the stories are too fascinating. We always want to see what comes next. 
    1. TV watching feels good. When you’re watching TV and relaxing it just feels good. This feeling is caused by the dopamine effect, and watching TV triggers this reaction. Dr. Renee Carr, Psy. D., a clinical psychologist is quoted saying

    When engaged in an activity that’s enjoyable such as binge-watching, your brain produces dopamine…This chemical gives the body a natural, internal reward of pleasure that reinforces continued engagement in that activity. When binge-watching your favorite show, your brain is continually producing dopamine, and your body experiences a drug-like high. You experience a pseudo-addiction to the show because you develop cravings for dopamine.

    Dr. Renee Carr

    This dopamine effect happens often when we engage with screens. We get a hit of dopamine each time we get a notification from a social media app or when we get a text message from a friend. 

    These feelings make us want to keep coming back to them so we can continue getting that feeling. 

    Kids get the same dopamine effect from screens. 

    When they watch TV, they’re getting those same good feelings. They also experience the dopamine effect when they level up in a video game. 

    Besides a biological response to screens, kids are also dealing with something that some of their parents did not experience. They’re growing up in a digital age where screens are absolutely everywhere. 

    A small child is hardwired to use cell phones and tablets. It’s fascinating watching a toddler learn how to navigate a piece of technology quickly and without direction. Technology is simply a part of their childhood in a way that it wasn’t for many parents – especially parents that grew up without smartphones and the internet. 

    Learning technology is important in this day and age, and your children will benefit from understanding it. Even so, there are potential issues with not limiting your child’s screen time.

    Why Should You Limit Screen Time for Your Kids?

    Not everyone agrees on a certain number of hours that a child should spend playing video games or watching TV, but most experts agree that unlimited screen time can lead to several issues. 

    Some of these issues include: 

    • Sleep challenges
    • Obesity
    • Behavioral issues
    • Emotional issues
    • Developmental delays

    Many parents anecdotally report that kids that spend a lot of time on screens become cranky and difficult to manage. In some cases, they’re more likely to fight with siblings or dissolve into tantrums. 

    Some experts believe that one of the biggest issues with screen time is the amount of time spent on devices. While they could be doing things like learning, exercising, or developing new skills, they’re planted in front of a device instead. 

    Other studies have shown that screen time – especially for younger children – can lead to developmental delays such as delayed language skills. 

    Experts who study the effects of screens for kids note the quality of the screen time matters. 

    If your child is watching high-quality educational TV or interacting with educational games, the time spent can have positive returns. 

    Technology is going to be a part of your child’s life as our world becomes more dependent on it. The main thing is to make sure that your child is given the opportunity to spend time doing other life-enriching things as well.

    Create Beneficial Family Screen Habits

    Keeping kids from spending too much time in front of a screen works best when it’s a family decision. Kids learn from parents and older siblings, and if the older family members are on their cell phones most of the day, that’s what they will want to do also. 

    We often think that screen time should be limited for kids, but we don’t as often think about the parents as well. 

    Too much screen time can have similar negative effects on adults as it does on kids, so limiting screen time for everyone just makes sense. 

    There are a number of ways to help both parents and children lessen their time in front of screens. Here are a few practical ways to make it a family-wide plan.

    Use Apps to Limit Screen Time

    There are quite a few apps that can help you limit the amount of time that you and your kiddos spend on screens.

    If you have an iPhone or an iPad, you can use your Screen Time app to figure out how much time you’re spending on your phone on average per day. Go ahead and check how much time you spend on your phone. The results may surprise you!

    The Apple Screen Time app can also be very beneficial in helping you limit screen time. The app allows you to have a daily “downtime” on your phone when most of the apps are greyed out. You can bypass the downtime, but it’s a good reminder to put your phone down. 

    The Screen Time app also allows you to set daily limits for certain apps. For example, if you spend a lot of time on social media, you can use the app to only allow you to use them for a determined amount of time each day. 

    In addition to these features, the Apple Screen Time app can also be shared across devices. This lowers the temptation to use up a time limit on one device and simply switch to another. 

    Other apps or devices include:

    • The Circle
    • OurPact
    • AppDetox
    • unGlue
    • Qustodio 
    • Norton Family 
    • Net Nanny
    • Video game consoles like the Switch also have parental controls for limiting screen time.

    Create “No Screen” Times

    Another simple way to lower screen time is to pick times of the day when no one is using them. A common time to put away devices is during mealtimes. 

    In fact, it would be most beneficial to leave them in another room. 

    To encourage this, you can have a basket where all devices are to be placed during mealtimes. This will help reduce the temptation to pick it up and check it if you receive a notification. Unless it’s a phone call that needs to be answered, the phones aren’t necessary during this time.  

    All snaps, messages, emails, and social media notifications can be placed on hold for family time. 

    Other times of day that you might choose to put away devices and screens include:

    • First thing in the morning 
    • In the evening hours when everyone is at home (perhaps from the hours 6-9 pm)
    • On the weekends (except for phone calls or important messages) 
    • In the afternoon during homework and dinner prep
    • For older kids, set up a schedule of no screen time until after homework is finished. 
    • For younger kids, schedule screen time for after naps or later in the afternoon.

    Blocking out these times during the day or week will set boundaries between your family and screens. Knowing that a screen isn’t an option will make it easier for them to fill their time with other things. 

    What to Do With All the Devices 

    One of the things that parents say is difficult about managing screen time is the huge selection of devices available to children. There are kindles, Leapfrog pads, laptops, iPad, cell phones, video game systems, televisions, and the list goes on and on. 

    Even if you banish your child from one screen, they can easily find another. You may not even be aware that they’ve traded one for the other.

    There are a few ways to combat this issue: 

    1. Keep all devices in a particular spot. Pick a place in the house where everyone puts their portable devices like laptops, tablets, handheld video games, and cell phones. These devices can be checked out as needed, but then put back at the end of their screen time.
    2.  Bring fewer screens into the home. It’s tempting to want to buy the newest video games for our kids and equip them with fun tablets that we know they’ll love. However, each new device you bring into the home is another one that needs to be monitored.
    3.  Have one family desktop computer that is in a central place of the house. Putting it in a common area will help you keep track of who is on the computer and discourage misuse of the computer. You can easily see if they’re using the computer for schoolwork or video games, for instance. 

    These are simple methods, but they do take some thoughtfulness and even a little sacrifice. 

    Allow Kids to Entertain Themselves

    Have you ever heard the term “self-directed play” before? Self-directed play refers to playtime, where the child gets to set the terms. Instead of a parent constantly entertaining a child or telling them what to do, they let the child make their own choices about how to play. 

    It may not seem like it, but boredom can actually be a good thing! Usually, when we think of boredom, we think of our kids terrorizing the house, tormenting their siblings, or making big messes. Your kids may also whine until you give them something to do. 

    Despite this, studies have found that boredom can be beneficial and self-directed play can be great for a child’s development. 

    Let’s take a closer look at why boredom is beneficial, and how to maintain a peaceful home during child-led activities.

    The Science Behind Why Boredom is Good

    Boredom is an uncomfortable feeling. Sometimes when people are bored, it leads them to make poor decisions. On the other hand, scientists have found that boredom can actually be quite useful and a necessary part of a child’s development. 

    What happens when you allow a child to be bored? Chances are they’re going to find something to do. They don’t want to be bored, so they’ll work to change their circumstances. Children are naturally creative and imaginative. You don’t have to trick them into playing or entertaining themselves. 

    An article in Science Daily covered a scientific study conducted by Dr. Sandi Mann. In the study, Dr. Mann discovered that boredom can make humans more creative. Dr. Mann asked participants to complete a boring writing task for the study. After they completed the task, she noted that the control group was notably more creative. 

    Dr. Mann also had an opinion about children and is quoted saying: 

    Unlike so many parents today, I am quite happy when my kids whine that they are bored. Finding ways to amuse themselves is an important skill.

    Here are some good things that can come from boredom

    • Daydreaming
    • Creativity
    • New hobbies
    • Relaxation
    • Innovation
    • Conversations
    • New interests
    • Discovery
    • Beneficial screen habits

    This all sounds great, but what is child-led play, and how do you keep your child from making poor choices when they’re in control of their play?

    What Does Child-Led Play Actually Mean?

    Many people wonder what child-led play looks like in practice. Does it mean ignoring your kids all day? Does it mean letting them do whatever they want?

    The answer to the question varies by child, age, and location. For example, a ten-year-old child in a rural area may have more freedom than a three-year-old child in an urban one. The ten-year-old may be allowed to play outside freely in the country, but a three-year-old in the city probably doesn’t have the same opportunity. 

    That being said, child-led play does not mean that a parent does nothing. It just means giving kids the freedom to explore and entertain themselves. 

    Use these strategies to help your child grow in playing independently:

    1. Give them uninterrupted playtime. It’s good for parents to interact with their kids and encourage learning, but sometimes it’s good to let them think things through on their own.
    2.  Instead of always asking them to identify colors, shapes, sounds, and so on during playtime, let them choose how they want to play and what they want to discover. The more they’re able to play independently, the more peaceful your home will be.
    1. You don’t always need to provide feedback. Children look to adults for the right and wrong way to do things. When it comes to morality or things that can harm a child, it’s the parent’s job to direct their child. Naturally your job as a parent is also to teach them important life skills.
    2.  In some areas, it’s okay to let a child come to their own conclusions. For example, if your child paints a picture, you may feel the need to critique it. Instead, allow them to tell you about the picture. Comment on the things you see but avoid telling them if the picture is good or bad.
    3. You may be surprised by how much they open up when they’re able to tell you about the thing they created instead of just waiting for your approval.
    1. Provide your child with materials and toys that can be used in a variety of ways. Children can be immensely creative when it comes to playtime. Give your child a baby doll, and they will care for it, play with it, and come up with interesting scenarios for its life.
    2.  Still, some toys are more conducive to child-led play because they have so many possibilities. A baby doll may remain a baby doll in a child’s mind, but a cardboard box has the potential to become many things.
    3. Provide your kids with toys and materials that they can use in many different ways. Blocks, legos, playdough, string, sticks, and rocks can be turned into almost anything.  

    Teach Good Habits to Keep Boredom From Turning Into Chaos

    You know the scenario. You’re washing the dishes in one room, and your children are actively destroying the rest of the house. There are toys everywhere. They used markers on the wall, and there’s a mystery stain on the carpet. Putting on the TV would have been way easier. 

    Allowing your kids to be bored or giving them the opportunity to self-direct their own playtime does not mean abandoning them. 

    It doesn’t mean letting them do whatever they want and then wringing your hands in frustration at the results.  

    Let’s talk about how you can keep child-led activities from turning into a nightmare. Screen time can be a bit of relief for parents, but you can absolutely be productive without turning to a tablet. 

    One of the most concrete ways to do this is to establish good habits with your kids.

    Here’s how: 

    1. Teach kids to clean up after themselves. Start young with your kids. Teach them that when they get something out, they have to put it away when they’re finished.
    2.  Make it easy to clean up. Make cleanup easy by having specific places for their belongings. Open-top bins are a perfect landing place for things like building blocks or loose toys.
    3. Set boundaries. Teach your children from a young age what is and isn’t appropriate in your home. Have reasonable, age-appropriate expectations and enforce reasonable consequences. Be consistent with your consequences, so they know what to expect.
    4.  You can even discuss expectations and consequences with your child during a time when things are calm, and they aren’t in trouble. Get their input into how they want to improve in areas like listening and responsibility.
    5. Children like limits and they also like feeling like they are active participants in their own life.
    6.  Use goal or responsibility charts. Instead of constantly reminding your children to clean up their room, have a chart on the wall that they can see. On the chart, have a checklist of things you’d like them to do each day. For little ones, you can use pictures instead of words.
    7.  Their responsibilities may include cleaning up toys, making their bed, and putting away laundry. As they finish them, they can check the item off the list. Without needing to say anything, you can see if they’re doing what you’ve asked.  

    Good habits take time to develop. 

    It won’t be an overnight success, just as it takes time to establish new good habits as an adult. However, the effort you put in will produce good results as time passes. These are habits that your child can take well beyond childhood.

    Now, let’s look at parent-led activities. These are things you can set up for your kids or do with your kids that will help them limit their screen time. 

    Activities to Do Instead of Screen Time

    You kicked your kids off the iPad, and now they’re looking to you for what to do. You’ve started allowing the kids to play independently, but you still want some great alternatives to screen time in your arsenal. Remember, weaning off-screen time is harder at the beginning, but it gets much easier over time. 

    Having as many alternative ideas in your back pocket as you can is a great step in reducing family-wide screen time.  

    We’ll go through the many different activities that you can do and the benefit that they have for your kids and your family.

    Spend Time Outside

    You’ve heard that kids should spend more time outside, but why is it so important?

    According to the Child Mind Institute, children are spending so much time indoors that it has turned into a national crisis. A name was even given to the crisis called “nature deficit disorder.” 

    That may sound silly, but children are indeed spending far more time inside on technology and far less time outside in nature. 

    The average American child is said to spend 4 to 7 minutes a day in unstructured play outdoors, and over 7 hours a day in front of a screen.

    Child Mind Institute

    That statistic seems unbelievable, but when you pair that with another statistic from Common Sense Media, it starts to make sense. 

    Common Sense Media reports that the average American child age 8 to 12-years-old spends 4 hours and 44 minutes on screens each day, and the average teenager spends 7 hours and 22 minutes. 

    That study does not include time spent on computers for school.

    If your child wants to spend the majority of their time indoors, consider these great reasons to get them out into nature:

    • Going outside helps kids develop confidence. 
    • Time outside leads to lower levels of stress and anxiety.
    • Spending time outside helps with cognitive development. 
    • Nature-time helps develop sensory skills.
    • Playing outside provides exercise.
    • Time outside in nature uplifts mood. 
    • Outside time may help grow a stronger immune system.

    If you live in the city, take your kids to the local park or visit state or national parks. If you live in a rural area, you may be able to do many of the same things right in your own backyard. 

    Arts and Crafts Time

    Arts and crafts have certainly had their time to shine recently. You may have heard of makers movement, and there may be maker spaces popping up in locations near you.

    But have you stopped to wonder why kids are encouraged to participate in arts and crafts? Is it just to pass the time, or does the art of making something actually hold real value?

    The fun news is, even if your kid isn’t a little Picasso, creating art is wonderful for their mental health and development.

    Here are some of the best reasons why you should encourage your kid to try their hand at arts and crafts:

    • Develops fine motor skills
    • Helps with bilateral coordination
    • Promotes creativity
    • Gives kids a way to express themselves
    • Helps kids think critically and learn how to problem-solve
    • Teaches other things like colors, shapes, and textures

    Giving your kids time to do arts and crafts doesn’t have to be complicated. There are thousands of ideas for crafts on the internet, but if crafting is not your thing, don’t fret. Just give your kids paper, glue, scissors, and something to color with. They’ll come up with something to do with very little direction from you.

    Have Real Conversations With Your Kids

    Just taking the time to talk with your kids is immensely beneficial. Make some dedicated time to set down all cell phones and devices and have real conversations with your kids. Talking to your kids from the time they are babies on up into the teenage years can do a lot to grow your relationship, and it can also help with development. 

    Here are some great reasons to make time to talk with your kids (even when they’re babies):

    • Helps with language development
    • Develops critical thinking
    • Grows their vocabulary
    • Helps kids work through their emotions
    • Teaches them compassion and sensitivity
    • Develops social skills 
    • Helps kids understand both verbal and nonverbal communication
    • Helps with brain development

    As your child gets older and is able to communicate through language, it’s extremely important to have real conversations with them. It grows your relationship, offers a safe place for them to share their thoughts, and helps them learn how to better communicate with those around them.

    Spend Time Playing With Your Kids

    In addition to letting kids have time spent in independent play, it’s also good to spend time playing with your kids. It’s not every parent’s favorite thing to do, but it will mean a lot to your child. 

    Playing with your kids also helps them in a variety of ways, including:

    • Developing social skills
    • Regulating emotions
    • Lowering stress 

    Playtime with your kids also encourages bonding. Studies show that spending time in imaginary play with your kids releases the hormone oxytocin – which is known as the “bonding chemical.”

    One of the best reasons to play with your kids is that it’s just downright fun. It’s something they will enjoy doing that isn’t plopping down in front of a TV.

    Encourage Kids to Write Their Own Stories and Make Their Own Games

    If your kids are sad because they can’t catch up with their favorite TV characters or because they can’t play their favorite game on their tablet, tell them to come up with their own games and stories. 

    Here are some advantages to creative writing for kids:

    • Helps with self-confidence
    • Encourages self-expression
    • Helps with communication skills
    • Teaches kids to problem solve
    • Writing about characters can help kids develop emotional intelligence. 

    Children that make their own games and stories will also be equipped with another way to entertain themselves. When they finish writing a story, let them read it to the whole family. If they’ve come up with a new game, try to make time to play it with them. Their confidence will soar as they realize that they can make their own fun.

    Teach Your Kids to Help With Cooking and Chores

    There are only so many hours in the day to keep up with the mountains of responsibilities that each parent has. 

    One way to keep your kids off screens and still remain productive is to include them in the work of the home. 

    When kids are little, it’s easy to think that they can’t help. Little kids often want to help unload the dishwasher or sweep the floor. You know they won’t do a great job, so you may tell them to go play.

    Instead of counting them off as too little, see this as an opportunity to plant seeds. Those little helpers will one day be bigger and much more capable. 

    The next time your toddler wants to dump out your basket of clean laundry, take the time to teach them how to fold a washcloth. They’ll probably try to fold other clothes too. Even if you have to re-fold them after they’re done, helping you will bring them joy. 

     As they get older, they will develop the skills to do it right, and it will already be part of their normal routine. Some studies show that small children want to help without any thought of a reward. It’s built in them to want to do what their parents are doing and be a helpful part of it. 

    Here are some really good reasons for including your kids in household chores:

    • Builds confidence
    • Teaches kids necessary skills like how to cook and clean
    • Encourages a sense of responsibility
    • Teaches a sense of community in the family
    • As the kids get older, the workload is shared

    Plan Family Outings

    You don’t have to spend a lot of money to take the kids out. Pack a lunch and take a trip to the local park. Take trips to the local library or visit a museum in your area. To save money, you can also purchase annual museum, zoo, or other entertainment venue passes, so you can make it a regular part of your year. 

    Consider these activities:

    • Visit a local historical site.
    • Take your kids fishing.
    • Ride bikes on a local trail.
    • Visit a local planetarium or travel to a place where you can see the stars well at night.
    • Volunteer at a local homeless shelter or adopt a highway – find ways to serve the community with your kids.
    • Go to the farmers market.
    • Visit a local beach.
    • Take your kids geocaching.
    • Look for a new playground to explore.
    • Go bowling or roller skating.
    • Take the family camping.
    • Make a picnic and go to the park.Incorporating These Tips Into Your Life

    With anything new that you try, there will be challenges.

    As you start to wean your kids from screen time, you may be challenged with anger or confusion. They likely won’t understand why you’re trying to make this change. 

    If they’re old enough, have an open conversation with them about why you’re doing things differently. Let them be part of the solution. Ask them what they think will be the best way to cut back on their own screen time. 

    Next, try one piece of advice at a time. Choose one app that you can use to help slow down the family screen time. Pick one new activity to do as a family. Start with one hour a day of unstructured playtime. See how these things fit (or don’t fit) into your family routine.

    If one screen-limiting tip just doesn’t seem to work, try another one. You may not be a family that loves craft time, but it may make sense for your family to spend more time outside. 

    Do what works best for your family. 

    As your kids spend less time on screens and more times doing other things, you will be amazed at the ingenuity of your children. In addition, as the family spends more time together and less time on screens, you will see your bonds growing stronger. 

    Finally, understand that technology is nearly inescapable these days. Many jobs depend on technology in order to run. Your kids should be learning how to use technology, and you shouldn’t feel guilty for them developing these skills as well. The takeaway is to offset their screen time with other things that are important for their growth.

    Be patient with yourself and your kids during this transition and reap the rewards!

    kids tablet television parents phones
  • 6 Hacks to Save on Back-to-School Shopping

    Pencils, crayons, pens, and notebooks mean it’s that time again! All parents know that back-to-school shopping can burn a hole in your pocket quickly. However, there are so many things you can do to minimize the cost. This school year, save yourself some money with the following tips.

    Stick To Necessities

    Stick to the schools (or your own if homeschooling) list!nAny item not on the list provided by your child’s teacher probably isn’t needed. This is crucial, so please don’t get carried away by the colorful distractions! LOL Although kids may beg for extra supplies, make a rule that if something isn’t on the list, you won’t buy it. They can have fun picking out the items that are actually needed.

    • If a list wasn’t given out before the first day of school, there’s no need to get carried away and purchase a bunch of stuff your child might not ever use. Get the list as soon as possible; you’ll be in a position to pick up items when they’re on sale.
    • Contact the school or look at the school’s website if you haven’t received a copy of the list. Many schools now provide a downloadable version on their website.

    Shop At Home First

    You likely have several things at home that can be used. Look in your office for pencils, pens, unused notebooks, notebook paper, and more. Remember to check your child’s book bag, crayons, lunch box, and anything else that comes to mind.

    • Items like pencil boxes, pencil sharpeners, and scissors can probably be used for years before they need replacement.

    Consider The Source

    Many parents immediately think of large super-stores as the best source of school supplies. Remember to consider the offerings of drug stores and even grocery stores.

    • Frequently, these less-considered stores can have spectacular sales on many back-to-school supplies just to get shoppers in the door. Check out newspaper inserts and mailed circulars to find out about drugstore sales.

    Watch For The Sales

    As the calendar closes in on the beginning of the school year, keep your eyes open. Sales abound, and the smart shopper will be on the lookout for the best deals. Often a store will have notebooks on sale for one cent, while another will have a great sale on pencils.

    • Using coupons wisely can save you a ton of money.
    • Even if a coupon comes out after you’ve made a purchase, stores will typically honor them. Take your receipt and the coupon back to the store and get that better price.


    Tax-Free Week?

    Many states have tax-free holidays around the start of school. Make sure to check whether your state has a tax free holiday and only go shopping during those times.

    Team Up With Another Parent

    By joining forces with another parent, you have the opportunity to purchase items in bulk at reduced prices. Then divide up the supplies and the savings.

    Back-to-school time is exciting for everyone, but for parents, it can also be a financially stressful time of the year.

    But school starting doesn’t have to break the bank. Get your supply list, stick to it, and focus on saving money by following these tips. This school year might cost you less than any other.

    6 Hacks to Save on Back-to-School Shopping 2
  • 15 Ways To Make An Extra $1000 Each Month

    While most of us dream about making a million dollars a year, the truth is that many of us would be thrilled to make another $1,000 each month. Wouldn’t an extra $12,000 a year make a huge difference?

    There’s so many different things you can do to supplement your income. And it’s not that difficult. It’s a matter of commitment more than anything else. 

    Getting off on the right foot will help to ensure your success as you take on a new money-making venture. But before making your first dollar, remember to do the necessary preliminary work. That way, you’re more likely to do well and make much more money in the future.

    Here are some factors you want to consider FIRST before diving into a side gig.

    1. Create a list of your unique skills and knowledge.

    It’s not necessary to know or be able to do anything special to make an extra $1,000 each month, but it doesn’t hurt. Having a unique skill-set can allow you to charge more for your time. 

    2. How much free time do you have?

    Do you have to earn money outside of a regular job? Are your weekends free? What about your weekday evenings? How many hours are you willing to work?

    3. Do you have any friends or family that you can help with?

    Maybe you have a friend with a construction business that needs help on the weekends. Think about everyone, you know. They might have something that would be perfect for you.

    4. Are you willing to try something new?

    It’s possible to force your will on the marketplace, but it’s a lot easier to provide what it needs. What do you hear people complaining about in your area? Find a need and fill it!

    5. Prepare to become a marketing machine.

    Many of the methods I’m going to suggest require finding clients. The work itself is quite simple, but finding the clients is the harder part.

    6. Have fun.

    It’s one thing to make yourself miserable for a few months to reach a goal, but it’s quite another to do it long-term. Find something that you enjoy doing.

    Anyone can make another $1,000 each month. You might even be able to do a few different side jobs and eventually replace your full-time income. Even one successful venture might be enough in some cases.

    The Money-Making Methods

    Depending on where you live, all of the ideas in this guide could be viable options. However, some are more suited for certain areas than others. Hopefully, you’ll find a method that appeals to you.

    Create A Website And Sell Something

    With WordPress, it’s never been easier to set up your own website. Gone are the days of needing to be a programmer to create a great looking site.

    Selling something on a website is fairly simple:

    1. When people come to your website, sell them something. Find a topic that interests you, and then capitalize on that interest. 

    • For example, there was recently a story of a woman that started her own blog about lighthouses and now makes a full-time living selling lighthouse related items and lighthouse travel tours. 
    • You can also sell a service. Think of something you can do better than the average person. There’s no need to be an expert. You only need to be one.step.ahead.
    • You can also have Google Ads or something similar on your website and get paid when people click on them. The “pay-per-click” market is huge!
    • Affiliate marketing can be lucrative. There are websites with thousands of digital products that you can sell. 
    • On these affiliate sites, you earn a commission every time you make a sale. Commissions are commonly 20-70%. The product creator even provides a sales page where you send your customers. 

    2. The real key is doing the marketing to get customers to your webpage. There are plenty of resources available to help you market your website. 

    • Write some articles related to the topic of your website and post them in the appropriate places. Posting to article directories would be good start. Article marketing has always been a great way to drive web traffic.
    • Write excellent content. Some of the most popular websites were never intentionally marketed in any way. If your content is unique, people will come to read it.
    • Social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Pinterest are additional ways of creating a buzz.

    Even if you’re not technologically inclined, a website can be a great way to boost your income in your spare time. 

    Sell A Technical Service

    I know many people are intimidated by internet technology. But there are many easy and simple services you could offer to people and businesses that they might not think they can do themselves.

    Selling technical services can could look like:

    1. Create websites for businesses.

    A reasonable website can be created in just a couple of hours, and it wouldn’t be difficult to find someone willing to pay at least a few hundred dollars for a website. 

    • One website a week would easily be an additional $1,000 each month. It could even be much, much more.

    2. Create Facebook pages for small businesses.

    Smaller businesses often have no designated marketing employees. Many of those businesses are also too small to justify hiring a full-blown marketing firm. 

    • Templates are available that would allow you to create a Facebook page for a business in a just a few minutes.
    • These Facebook pages can easily be sold for $100 or more. Two or three a week would meet the magical $1,000 mark.

    3. Create YouTube videos for small businesses.

    A few simple shots with a digital camera can be made in to a slideshow with free software and a little bit of time.

    4. Create and operate Twitter accounts for businesses.

    Many small businesses would love to have a Twitter account, but they are unsure how to go about setting it up. (This applies to any social network as well. Hence, “social media manager!”)

    The common methods for finding customers (in order of effectiveness) are in-person visit, phone call, email, and snail-mail. You might be surprised how easy it is to find a client if you can muster the courage and stop by or pick up the phone.

    These services are all much easier than you probably realize. You can teach yourself everything you need to know very quickly.

    It is not the creation of wealth that is wrong, but the love of money for its own sake

    Margaret Thatcher

    Do Taxes For Others 

    With the software that’s now available, nearly anyone can do some else’s taxes. You won’t require a degree in accounting to put some numbers into a software program.

    Many of the people working for the big tax firms each spring are just regular people working part-time.

    In the rare event that someone’s taxes are too complicated once you start doing them, simply tell them the truth. Just as all lawyers aren’t qualified to handle all cases, it’s okay to admit you can’t do the taxes of a multi-millionaire with extensive offshore investments.

    This method won’t work all year. It’s going to be limited to a couple of months, but you can easily make more than $1,000 each month during that time. 

    Think about other services you can offer to the same clients. If they’re happy with your tax preparation services, maybe they’ll give you the opportunity to do something else for them during other times of the year. 

    Remember to ask for referrals. The easiest way to find new clients is by receiving a recommendation from other clients you’ve worked with. 

     All I ask is the chance to prove that money can’t make me happy

    Spike Milligan

    Rent Out Your Extra Room On Airbnb is a unique website that allows people to rent out space they own. It can be space in a tree house, a walk-in closet with an air mattress, an entire vacation home, or a room in your home. If you have a livable space, someone would probably be interested in renting it from you. If the space isn’t currently being used, it’s really just a wasted resource. Make the most of it!

    Here’s a couple of tips:

    1. Have a proper lease in place.

    Laws and customs can vary from state to state. Contact an attorney or your local real estate investors club for assistance.

    2. Do a thorough background check before letting a stranger move into your home.

    There are services available to run background checks, credit checks, and every other type of check you can imagine. At the very least be sure to scope out their Airbnb profile!

    • Before letting anyone move in, you’ll probably want to require a security deposit or rent up front. Everyone seems to have a story about getting the ‘money next week.’

    3. Ensure you’re comfortable with someone new living in your space.

    If you’re uncomfortable, there’s not a lot that can be done, depending on the terms of the lease.

    • If you’re interested in providing space in your home, think about how you want to handle the common areas. These would include the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Also, figure out where they’ll park their car. 

    Why waste space you’re not using? Monetize it instead!


    Write for Extra Money

    Are you good with words? Do you like to write as a hobby? If so, capitalize on those writing skills. With all the content available online, there’s a tremendous need for people to write that content. 

    Try these options:

    1. Freelance.

    Approach website owners and offer to write some content for them. Pay rates can vary dramatically. Some writers can make a few hundred dollars per article.

    2. Join a content providing service.

    There are many websites that are always looking for writers. Two of the more popular ones are and Fiverr and Upwork are other great alternatives as well.

    • You can search through jobs and choose ones that appeal to you. 
    • You’ll have to write quickly to really earn some money, but this is something you can do in the comfort of your own home.

    3. Write an eBook and sell it on your own website.

    Many people have made millions of dollars by selling information. We’ll cover more about writing and selling books on Amazon later.

    4. Offer to write ads for eBay sellers.

    Contact the sellers of high-ticket items such as homes, cars, motorcycles, and boats. Offer to write a top-notch ad for them, in exchange for 1% of the selling price. You won’t get paid unless it sells. 

    • For example, if you wrote an ad selling a $20,000 car, you’d be looking at getting paid $200.

    Writing can be hard work, but it has very flexible work hours. You can easily work it into your busy schedule.

    There are people who have money and people who are rich

    Coco Chanel

    Tutor Or Give Lessons 

    Some tutors are making over $100 an hour! If you’re good at piano, golf, tennis, painting, or anything else that’s marketable, consider giving lessons.

    The best tutoring jobs tend to be in the nicer neighborhoods since mom and dad are likely to have more disposable income. 

    Get in touch with schools and even post an ad on Research the average fees for the service you’re providing and offer a competitive price. 

    He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money

    Benjamin Franklin

    Mow Lawns or Offer Other Home Maintenance Services

    This could go along well with taxes. You could do the taxes in the late winter and early spring and then move into basic landscaping. It’s not difficult or uncommon to make $20 or more per hour mowing lawns.

    These things will make everything easier:

    1. Stick close to home.

    You want to avoid having your profits eaten up by gas and other traveling costs.

    2. It requires minimal equipment.

    All that’s really required is a lawnmower, trimmer, and transportation. The mower and trimmer can be purchased used for very little money. However, you might be able to use the ones you already own. 

    3. Create flyers and pass them out around your target neighborhoods.

    As you are passing out your flyers, be friendly. Also, offer a fair price. 

    4. You can also offer to do other “outside” services.

    Other than mowing lawns, there are other services you could offer. For example, you could do edging, planting flowers, picking up dog poop, washing cars, or cleaning out gutters. 

    • People who are elderly or that live very busy lives are often looking for someone to help maintain the outside of their homes. 

    After a certain point, money is meaningless. It ceases to be the goal. The game is what counts

    Aristotle Onassis

    Provide Pet-Sitting Services

    Many individuals work all day, and their pets need to be let outside for obvious reasons. Some people go out of town and prefer to leave their pets at home instead of boarding them at a kennel.

    If you like caring for pets, consider: 

    1. Offer additional services.

    Since you’re already at the house, think about other things you can do that would be helpful. Some examples would be dog training, picking up dog poop, housecleaning, or mowing the lawn.

    2. Be the vacation solution.

    If your customers leave town, offer to take care of their pets. Remember that you’ll have to let the dog out at least 3 times each day. Consider keeping the pets in your home or charge for each of the 3 visits. Even offer to get the mail.

    3. Stick with clients that are close to home.

    It’s not worth driving 20 miles each way to make $11 for letting the dog out.

    4. Expand your animal services.

    Try not to limit yourself to just dogs. With a little reading, you could easily learn how to care for cats, birds, hamsters, an iguana, and just about anything else.

    Taking care of other’s pets is a low stress way to spend your time. Call around and find the rates of other pet-sitters before you decide on your own rates. Advertise everywhere you can think of. It makes the most sense to advertise at dog parks, pet stores, and veterinarians. 



    Flip Items on Craigslist 

    This can be a very lucrative part-time business. In a nutshell, you find items on that you’re confident you can resell at a profit.

    The following items will all but guarantee a profit:

    1. Look for poorly written ads.

    Many sellers create poor ads that lack pictures. With a better ad, you can expect to resell the item at a higher price.

    2. Limit yourself to a few different types of items.

    Maybe you have some knowledge of or interest in guitars, appliances, and jewelry. If you have knowledge in a certain area, you’ll be able to spot a good deal on Craigslist when you see it.

    3. Make a lot of offers.

    Many people price their items appropriately but are in a hurry to sell. That could be good for you because many of them will take nearly any offer to make some money quickly. You’ll never know if you could’ve gotten a bargain unless you ask.

    4. Check on the free items.

    It’s competitive, but sometimes there are valuable items given away for free. Even a $20 item might be worth getting and reselling, since it’s all profit that goes straight into your pocket.

    5. Avoid getting involved with lower-priced items.

    There’s only so much profit to be made on a $10 item, but it’s not hard to make $50 on a used refrigerator. Your time is valuable.

    6. You might need a truck. Some items, like large appliances, will require a truck. But there are plenty of other items that are suitable buys if you don’t have a truck.

    I’d like to live as a poor man with lots of money

    Pablo Picasso 

    Babysitting After School Hours

    There are many children that go into after-school programs. Many other children are forced to spend the afternoon home alone until their parents return from work. 

    If you like children, babysitting could be a profitable endeavor. You could offer to look after kids between the time they are finished at school up until their parents return from work. 

    You can either pick them up from school or meet them as they get off the bus. All you’d really have to do is fix them a snack and supervise them while they do their homework. 

    Consider these ideas:

    1. Try to watch multiple children.

    Watching two children pays better than one. Watching five pays better than two.

    2. Think about the third shift crowd.

    Many single parents work third shift and someone has to watch those children. What could be easier than putting a child to bed in your home and getting them ready for school in the morning? You could easily make $30 per night per child.

    A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart

    Jonathan Swift

    Give Swimming Lessons

    This is another gig that would dovetail well with the tax preparation idea. Many pools offer group lessons, but each child spends most of their time just watching while the children take turns swimming for the instructor. 

    Many parents are happy to pay for private swim lessons. It would be easy to make $20-$50 per hour. Get certified as a swim instructor and get in the pool. If you’re a parent, you can even bring your children to the pool. 

    While you’re at it, get certified as a life guard. This will give you even more job opportunities. In warmer climates, both of these can be done year-round.

    Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons

    Woody Allen

    Be A Freelancer Online

    If you already have a regular job, there’s a good chance you can get paid to do the same thing at home. Someone out there wants help doing whatever it is you do. is a great place to find clients for your services. You can do anything from writing to setting up websites, to transcribing, doing spreadsheets, or providing voiceovers. 

    Avoid selling yourself short. There are many potential clients looking for the cheapest deal. If you have something of value to offer, ensure you’re making the money you deserve. 

    There are many other comparable sites that offer similar opportunities. is another example of a site where freelancers can get work.

    A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it

    Bob Hope

    Become A Photographer 

    Photographers can make impressive money. If you have the skill, you can photograph weddings and other formal events. Family portraits are another way to make a decent buck.

    Consider the following:

    1. Many websites utilize photographs.

    Typically, you won’t get rich selling one or two copies of individual photos. But if you think about it, if you sell 3,000 photos at $0.50, it can really add up. You can also sell each photo one time for $30 or more.

    2. Sitting fees.

    One way photographers can get paid, independent of photo sales, is by charging a sitting fee for taking the photos. Many photographers go to people’s homes for a photo shoot. You can charge an additional fee for the convenience of traveling to your clients.

    3. You can also create calendars and other items with your photographs.

    Take pictures of your travels and make a calendar.

    Becoming a photographer doesn’t have to require extra fancy equipment. If you have a decent camera, that should suffice. Depending on the type of phone you have, you might even be able to use that for some jobs.  

    Liking money like I like it, is nothing less than mysticism. Money is a glory

    Salvador Dali

    Write An eBook And Sell It On Amazon

    Some people actually write a new book every week! While you might not write a bestseller, if you pick the right topics, it’s possible to make $1,000 or more from each book.

    We already discussed writing, but this is a little different. The previous example was when you write an eBook for someone else and get paid just one time for that work. Although it is your work, you’ve been hired by someone to write it and therefore are turning over the rights. 

    In this case, you’re going to keep control and ownership of your writing. You will be selling it on The best part is that you’ll have the opportunity to get paid multiple times for the same work. Once an eBook is up for sale online, you can continually capitalize on every book for years to come. 

    This is more speculative, since you’re not guaranteed to make anything. However, the potential rewards are many times greater. Also, this is a more involved job than all the other suggestions.

    Follow this process if you are interested in writing your own eBook:

    1. Fiction or non-fiction.

    First you need to decide if you’re more comfortable writing fiction or non-fiction. Non-fiction will be easier, since you can use other books as source material.

    2. Determine the best sellers in your niche.

    Think about personal areas of interest and check to see which topics are doing well in sales.

    • Now, look at Amazon and see how many books within each category are within the top 50,000 best-selling books. You’ll want to see at least three books in the top 50,000. Any less and it won’t be worth your time. In that case, find another, more popular, niche.

    3. Purchase the top three books in your chosen category and read them.

    Make some notes as you read. What you’re ultimately doing is writing your own book from what you learned from those three. However, you’ll also need to add unique ideas of your own.

    4. Start writing.

    Keep in mind that a book doesn’t necessarily have to belong. Some of the best-selling books have been very short. The best length, however, seems to be 125-175 pages. This may seem like a lot. But, keep in mind that one page in a word-processing program is almost 2 pages in a Kindle book.

    • Each Kindle page should take approximately 15 minutes to write, so a 150-page book should take approximately 35-40 hours.
    • Some Kindle book writers actually outsource the writing! Remember that sites like Odesk and Elance can be used to find writers. 

    5. Read your book.

    After your book is written, go back through and actually read it! Look for ways to enhance your work. 

    6. Hire an editor.

    You should always consider hiring someone else to edit the eBook for you, even after you’ve read it over. 

    • Customers will get really turned off if there are errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
    • Bad reviews for your first book could negatively impact your future as an eBook writer.
    • A second pair of eyes, especially those of a trained editor, is imperative to ensure that your eBook is error-free.

    7. Kindle books require specific formatting.

    There are many templates that you can find online. Information about formatting your book can also be found on

    • Be careful about using images. First, always Insert the image, never Copy-Paste. 
    • Amazon charges you a download fee for each book you sell. That fee is based on the size of the book file, which is another reason to avoid too many images. 
    • Using a lot of images can increase your costs and decrease your profits. Images can also be compressed to a smaller file size, limiting your expense.
    • It would be incredibly smart to include hyperlinks in your eBook that point back to your personal website. You can then sell additional items to your customers. 
    • Hyperlinks will also let you capture email addresses for future marketing purposes. Prepare a free report and provide it in exchange for their email address.
    • A good email list is worth at least $0.50 per address per month. A list of just 2,000 email addresses should be worth $1,000 a month.
    • Numbered lists can be a good idea, but bullet points aren’t able to be displayed on older Kindle models. An asterisk or dash can be used instead.

    8. A good book cover is imperative. A book with a poor cover doesn’t sell well. Take the time to secure an attractive cover. The first option is to buy a cover.

    • The most inexpensive option for purchasing a cover is to head over to and search for Kindle covers. You’re only paying $5, so keep your expectations in check. However, you might be pleasantly surprised with the quality.
    • With, you may have to pay a few different people before you find a cover you like. However, at such an affordable price, it might be worth it to try out a few different designers.
    • An option that costs a little more is visiting The covers from this site are about $35 each, but once a cover is bought, it’s removed from circulation. There are other similar websites.
    • There are also more expensive options. One of these is The cost for a cover is $300 or more. It’s debatable whether or not it’s worth spending that much for an eBook cover.
    • Another source of covers is You’re sure to find someone there that can create a great book cover at a variety of price points.
    • You can also make your own cover. There are several programs and templates available online that will help you to create a great cover. 
    • If you use a photograph to make your own cover, be certain that you have the legal rights to use it. Only use high-resolution photos, so your eBook looks professional.

    9. Now, it’s time to upload your book to Amazon! Uploading a book requires an account with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). You can set up an account at

    • Amazon has excellent video tutorials that will walk you through all the steps. Enroll in KDP Select, which allows you to promote your book in some unique ways. It’s free for the first 90 days.
    • You’re allowed 4,000 characters to describe your book. Use them wisely! A longer description looks more professional and gives your potential readers more information to make a good buying decision.
    • The description doesn’t have to be 4,000 characters, but be thorough enough to arouse the curiosity of the potential buyer.
    • Regarding publishing rights, choose option-2, ‘Not a public domain work.’ You probably wouldn’t want other people to be able to sell your eBook as their own, right?
    • When you ‘add categories,’ choose the two that are most closely related to your topic.
    • Keywords are critically important. You can add up to seven keywords, so always use all seven! The Google Keyword Tool is a great tool for finding keywords related to your niche.

    10. It’s advisable to set the price of your book between $2.99 and $9.99. Amazon allows you to claim 70% of the price as your commission within this price range. That commission drops to 30% if you price your book higher or lower.

    • Now buy it! You’ll get 70% of the money back anyway. Amazon is more likely to promote your book if they see buying activity occur quickly.

    11. Marketing your book is the next step. KDP will allow you to offer your book for free. Three days is long enough to get your book out there. You’re aiming for at least 2,500 downloads during that time.

    • If people aren’t downloading your free book, the cover probably needs to be changed. The next place to look is the book description. Is the description boring? People must want to learn more about your book if they’re willing to spend money to purchase it.
    • The best marketing for your eBook is good reviews. Tell all your friends and family to buy a copy and leave a good review!
    • Ask for reviews in the book itself. Put a simple blurb at the front and the end of the book requesting a review. Always thank your readers in advance for their help.
    • You can also “bribe” your readers for reviews. Offer them something for free and strongly SUGGEST they leave a review. You can’t offer the free item in exchange for a review, but you can give them something free upfront and then request a review.
    • Facebook is another great tool for advertising your book. Post the book cover on your Facebook page and tell all your friends to pick up a copy. Also remind your friends and family to leave a review.
    • Ask your friends to like and share your post on Facebook. Even if they haven’t purchased the book yet, they can still spread the word.
    • Create a Facebook Page for your book. Search around and see what other authors have done. Be shameless in mimicking the pages that appeal to you. You can even give away free chapters of your book to “hook” some readers.
    • You can also find Facebook Groups related to your book topic. Join them. Most groups will allow you to post information about your book. Join the group as part of the page for promoting your eBook. Then your post will show up as your book page instead of your real name.

    12. Have your own blog. Every author should have a website dedicated to his writing. In order to be taken seriously, an author requires a website. 

    • A central hub allows you to give away free chapters, post information about new books, and collect names for your email list. Have a separate page for each book.
    • On your website, create buying links for each of your books that point back to Amazon. Update your website once a week to keep your readers engaged. That is where content comes in again.
    • Create a social media hub on your website. Create links to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and email accounts. We haven’t covered how to set up all of these, but there’s more than enough information out there to guide you through the process.
    • Videos can be a great way to market your book. Video reviews are great. That’s what friends are for! You can also put up a video of yourself talking about your book.

    If you’re planning to continue writing books and want to write on a variety of topics, it’s suggested that you create a pen name for each topic. It’s hard to claim to be an expert on dog training, international investing, building model boats, and tutoring math. If you were to write all those books under the same name, no one is likely to take you seriously. 

    You’ll require separate email, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn accounts for each pen name. 

    Writing and selling eBooks is a very viable way to make some real money. Remember to pick a topic that’s already selling well. There’s no reason to reinvent the wheel.

    Money is a strange business. People who haven’t got it aim it strongly. People who have are full of troubles

    Ayrton Senna  

    There are many ways to earn an extra $1,000 each month. The most important step is to commit to the method that best suits you. Consider your circumstances. If you live in a rural area, writing an eBook probably makes more sense than being a dog-sitter. If you live in a suburban area, but have a full-time job, being a dog-sitter may not be practical. 

    Committing to a method means exactly that. You’re planning to stick with that method and make it work. Most of these methods require expertise that you probably already possess. If it’s not a perfect fit, try to mold the method to your strengths.

    Remember that marketing is the key. The work itself is quite simple. The challenging part is finding clients, so you’ll want to concentrate on doing some marketing every day. Marketing needs to be done regularly if you’re looking for the most benefit.

    Use every possible form of marketing. Focus on the methods that are likely to be the most successful, but there’s no reason to be afraid to branch out into other methods over time.

    Always ask for referrals after you’ve made a customer happy. Give them a couple of extra business cards to hand out to friends, family, and colleagues.

    An extra $12,000 a year could make a huge difference in your life. How will you spend your new-found funds?

    When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is

    Oscar Wilde
    15 Ways To Make An Extra $1000 Each Month 3
    15 Ways To Make An Extra $1000 Each Month 4
    15 Ways To Make An Extra $1000 Each Month 5
  • What To Do When You’re Stuck At Home With The Kids

    You find yourself spending a lot of time at home. Whatever the reason, you’re stuck at home and want to maintain a hint of your sanity!

    Here are a few things you can do to stay active and entertained if you find yourself spending more time at home with your kids.

    Bring out the board games!

    Have some fun and encourage a little friendly competition with a game night! Bonus points if you add in some comfort food along with it. Bring out all the board games, puzzles, and plain ‘ole imagination to get the entire family involved. For example, we love to play a game we call: “Search & Find!” Here’s how it works: We use any of the kid’s small toys. One person asks everyone else to close their eyes and hides the toy in plain sight, and then, everyone has 10 seconds to find it!
    It’s way more fun than it sounds haha, promise.

    Some family favorites:

    • Monopoly (Board game or card deck version)
    • Candy Land
    • Snakes and Ladders
    • Uno
    • Black Jack
    • Scrabble
    • Rock, Paper, Scissors
    • Twister
    • Rhino Hero

    Work it out

    Keep your health and wellbeing in check by being diligent about your daily movement. If you’re usually a gym freak, then consider apps, youtube, and other virtual memberships to get it done! Or, go simple with a tracker and walk your way to better health, alone or with the family.

    Apps/Websites Worth Your Time:

    YouTube Channels:

    • Cosmic Kids
    • Yoga

    Grow your brain!

    Discover a new language or talent and challenge yourself to learn something new! Whether for fun or work, it’s all okay. There are a ton of resources online, both free and paid, to make this happen.


    Time for a spring clean up!

    Check off that to-do list you’ve been ignoring! Tackle the round the house jobs you’ve been abandoning. Give your house a refresh, a new look and clean it needs. There’s no better way to clear your mind and get focused than to clear out everything around you.


    Netflix and chill

    Who doesn’t love a good binge session? Funk it out, stay in your PJs, grab those snacks and snuggle up for hours. Start a new tv series or catch up on the old. There’s no such thing as too many hours. No limits, now go!


    Chef it up

    Does Master Chef inspire you? Or any magazine/tv show. Use this time to discover new cooking techniques. Finally, try that recipe. Teach yourself and your kiddos a new skill and enjoy the experience together.

    family friendly activities at home