
Raising Kids That Thrive

Children Are Beautiful Mini-Cloned Versions Of Their Parents. Are You Proud Of Your Little Joyful Creation?


Stay Positive
I’ll Help You Parent With Intention, So You Can Raise Your Littles Without Stress Or Losing Your Sh*t.

Raise Culturally Sound Kids
Learn how to help your kids be mindful of others. Learn to love and embrace everyone’s differences (instead of ignoring or dismissing them).

Have Fun
Discover how to have fun in ways that aren’t boring or repetitive!

Develop A Growth Mindset
Learn how to reframe your minds, shift perspectives and GROW that brain!

Your Kids Are Blessed To Have YOU!

  • Kids Aren’t Expensive

    I know kids can be ‘expensive.’ So, for reference, our kiddos are still little and this post is probably more applicable to those with young children (8 and under).

    Growing up, you always hear about the costly burden of having kids. But the truth is, they really aren’t as expensive as people would lead you to believe. You see, I made a horrible mistake when I was just a teen and cost, along with fear, were the deciding factors in my response.

    So, here are some thoughts…

    This is for you.

    • Kids are mostly free if you don’t mind paying attention

    1. Kids play with nearly anything & expensive toys aren’t necessary at all. We first need to erase the lies our culture and mainstream media has embedded into us. Then, we can begin to cultivate creativity and show genuine gratitude for what we already have.
    Don’t underestimate yourself.

    2. Use your creativity to make and play with whatever’s lying around. Use what you already have! Or use google/Pinterest to help give you some ideas. There’s no shame in this! We’ve all been there. Some of us just aren’t born with natural creativity…ahemm *cough cough*

    • Save your toilet paper rolls for crafts
    • Re-use those delivery boxes (large appliance boxes are the BEST)
    • Use your pots & utensils as instruments
    • Save (safe) packaging from any food items (may need to wash some. But think…tea boxes, yogurt/baby food cups etc)
    • Dance with music (Youtube for the win: Check out: Saskia’s Dansschool)
    • Exercise together (remember those simple exercises from elementary gym classes?) (Bonus: Youtube again: Cosmic Kids. They are absolutely fantastic for this)

    3. They will use their imagination if you support it

    • Opt for outdoor play because whether or not you have the energy to gather everyone up and out the door- It will always be easier to clean the ‘outdoors’ off of them than to clean up the mess they’ve made indoors. Trust me on this. Fo’ real.

    1. Play ‘What time is it, Mr. Fox?’
    2. Tag
    3. Hide & seek (I’d only opt for this in the confines of a SAFE gated home/community WITH LIMITS…yea yea, call it no fun/paranoia…what have you! I found myself in unsafe compromising situations as a kid by no fault of my own. I know the dangers thank you very much)
    4. Dodgeball

    Need more ideas? Have a look here.

    • They grow way too fast, use thrift shops

    1. It’s no surprise that children grow fast. But in case you aren’t aware- babies grow out of their clothing about every 2-3 months from age 0-12 months. Thereafter, it could be about every 6 months, once they turn 4/5, I find it’s about once a year or maybe its just my kiddos?! (Note: sadly, these estimates don’t include shoes 🙁 Kids regularly outgrow their shoes and at a much faster rate or just wear them down super duper fast)

    2. Doesn’t make much sense to pay full price here.

    • Go natural

    1. Opt to make things from scratch or go the natural route.

    Here are some ideas:

    • Use cloth diapers instead of disposables

    • Use castile soap for all your ‘soapy’ needs (body wash, shampoo, laundry etc)

    • Use old rags or buy new ones really cheap to use as wipes

    • Or make your own wipes using paper towels

    • Use coconut oil and baking soda as toothpaste

    • Use water and hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash

    • Use vinegar and lemon as your primary cleaning agents

    • Don’t use body creams, opt for oils instead

    They don’t need things. They need YOU

    Our children need our attention, our love, our nurturing and there isn’t anyone more qualified on the planet to do this than us!

    And when all is set and done and our children are having children of their own…the only things that would have mattered…the only things they will remember….are the memories, experiences and time we took to parent them. To guide, teach and love on them.


    save money with kids
  • Find time to read to your kids

    Here are some quick ways you can find more time to read to your children

    My absolute favorite way to spend unplugged time with my kids is to read aloud to them. I’ll confess, part of this is because I LOVE doing the silly voices. haha *Give me all the accents* ! One complaint I hear a lot is that parents can’t seem to find time to read aloud with their kids, especially as the kids get older, or as the number of siblings increases. (Tell me I’m not the only one that read 7,587 books with the first child and 100 with the second??!!) Anyhow, This has been true for me sometimes as well. I’ve found a couple of things that really work when it comes to sneaking in read-aloud time, and maybe they will help you too.

    1. Read during meal times.

    This includes snack time. It won’t work for every meal, of course, but think about it for a minute… your kids are trapped I mean ‘strapped’ or sitting (hopefully lol) in their chairs! You have a captive audience, for the most part, right? This is a great technique when you have several kids of different ages, especially the teeny tiny ones.

    2. Move bedtime up by 15 minutes.

    Say you usually have the lights out by 8:00 pm. (I usually do by 7 pm and if you don’t do this or think its too early, let’s chat about this! Trust me its the best decision you’ll ever make. Ok, moving on) Everyone is rushing to get in bed by 8:00 and then by 8:30 everyone finally IS in bed (you know how it goes), and there is no time for reading. Instead, pretend bedtime is 7:45. Get the kids in PJs and teeth brushed by 7:45. That leaves time for “one more chapter.”

    3. Carry a book everywhere. (yes really. Bonus points if its a paperback)

    Make it a paperback, a suspenseful or funny chapter book. We all find ourselves in moments during the day when we need to keep the kids busy — waiting for big brother at school, picking up take-out, you name it. Pull out the book and divert their attention with a suspenseful tale or funny rhymes and jokes if your little doesn’t favor scary.

    4. Swap television for books once (or more) times a week

    Mama, I know all too well how easy it is to want to grab the remote and flick on the television. BUT, right in that moment…in exhaustion and ease- I want you to try something. Get up, go to a room where you’ll be alone (yes, the bathroom totally qualifies. No judgment here) Remind yourself of these three things:

    1. i love my children and my children adore me
    2. i have no idea who/what i am raising (will my precious baby be an astronaut, doctor, teacher?)
    3. their lives are worth more than the few temporary hours of “relief”… i’ll breathe & start again

    What quick tips do you use? How do you find time to read to your children on busy days?

  • 20+ Things You Didn’t Consider When Choosing A Preschool

    What you need to know when choosing a preschool nursery or playgroup

    The time has come, and for whatever reason, you need to enroll your little in school or daycare. Maybe they are of age; perhaps you need some help, some alone time. Maybe your kiddo just needs social interaction. I get it. Trust me; I’ve lived in 5 different countries and over 10 different cities. I’ve had my fair share of searches and experiences. Whatever it is- I’ve been able to come up with a few things to consider when making your choice!

    • Are you and your entire family made to feel welcome?

    Pay close attention to how you are treated by all staff members during your first visit. (everyone from the principal/headteacher to the janitorial staff) Don’t ignore your gut.

    • Are you introduced to all staff members?

    During the tour, you’ll most likely run into all staff (especially if it is unannounced-which I especially recommend). It’s usually a good sign when your tour guide takes the time to introduce everyone and when everyone greets you (even the cleaning staff).

    • Are you given an immediate tour?

    Continuing with the same topic of tours, are you asked to make an appointment or come at another time? This is really huge. You def don’t want a staged viewing if you know what I mean.

    • How does it look? Whether it’s an old room center or fancy building- what has the staff done with the space? Are the children’s artwork displayed? Decorative?

    When you travel, you’ll find that each country operates differently and that some countries have more resources than others. But the most important thing is that the school has made the best of what they have.

    • How proportioned is the size of the room for its occupants? Too crowded? Too empty?

    Take a look at the ratio between staff and children. Does the amount of space they have seem sufficient enough for them?

    • What’s the overall feel?

    Again, paying attention to your gut…What’s your initial reaction of the place?

    • Is the area well-staffed? What is the child to adult ratio?

    Ideally, anywhere between 5/10 children per 1 teacher are good.

    • Is there an outdoor enclosed area where children can play?

    Kids need physical exercise and fresh air, and if the school has some sort of outdoor area, it’s a plus

    • Are there books out in plain sight?

    Self-explanatory here, but again, different countries have different resources, and you want to be sure that your child has access to books (I’m thinking picture books for young kiddos) in any language.

    • Interactive table for hands-on activities?

    Almost every preschool I’ve seen schedules free play/free time for the children. What options do the kids have for this time?

    • What activities are offered? Painting? Water play? Blocks? Puzzles? Dolls? Etc

    Take a good look during your visit and see what the kids have.

    • How do the children look? Excited? Engaged? Mellow? Withdrawn?

    Certainly, don’t overlook this, but at the same time, don’t jump to conclusions. With that said, I’ve seen places where the kids were clearly not being treated well, and the staff didn’t care about them. If you notice negative emotions in the children, glance for possible causes. Was s/he being disobedient? Are they unwell? Etc.

    • Does the place look well maintained? Is it clean? Repairs needed? Paint chipping?

    If you notice paint chipping, cracks in steps etc, consider that it may be an accident waiting to happen.

    • Are the staff giving the children full attention or are they chatting?

    This is important. I’ve personally seen several instances where a daycare spent a load of time chatting and children injured themselves because of it. (No serious injuries thank goodness, but nevertheless, bumps and bruises that should have otherwise been avoided)

    • Ask the staff for their take and procedure for discipline/ dealing with anxious children

    It’s important to note that in today’s day and age, most schools do not use physical discipline with children; however, not all staff may be in agreement or have the experience in dealing with rambunctious kids. I remember a time overseas where a fellow wife had an issue with a staff member hitting her child. It was definitely shocking news, and I suppose an isolated case. I enrolled our little one in a different school in the same country and didn’t have any issues.

    • Does the teacher speak English?

    Even if the teacher will be teaching in the native country language, it’s important that s/he speak English or have a good basic foundation of the language. At the very least, you need someone to understand when your child is hungry, tired, unwell, cold or needs to use the toilet.

    • Are English classes offered to other students?

    This may not always be offered, but many private schools offer English as a second language, and this will be helpful as the other children will be eager to practice this with your child.

    • Look for an atmosphere that’s blossoming. Buzzing with engaged and happy children. But never out of control.

    You want to see that the teachers have everything organized. If there isn’t a schedule, it’s chaotic and not filled with intentional learning. Trust me, this is messy.

    • How safe is your child?

    Find/check all entry and exit points. Ask the staff what’s the procedure/timeline for when the doors will be locked. (Also, check this for yourself) Can anyone just walk through the doors or do they need to be buzzed in?

    • Is transportation offered?

    If so, what are pickup/drop off times? Basic procedures? Driver?

    • Consider the country of residence and educate yourself on views between boys and girls

    To put it bluntly, not every country treats or values each gender the same. Learn the countries beliefs and standards.

    20+ Things You Didn't Consider When Choosing A Preschool 2

    Whoa! I’m sure that was a lot to take in. What are your experiences with searching for preschools?


    pick preschool
    happy smiling preschool kids
    preschool girls walking to school
  • How to get your child to sleep through the night

    Tips on how to get your child to sleep through the night

    No matter what age your little one, us mamas always go through the sleep battle at one point or another. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Honestly…and we can get through this together! Here are just some of the best tips I’ve been given along the years.

    First things first- is your little one getting enough sleep? According to many sources, children should be getting hours upon hours of sleep! See recommendations below:

    0-6 months : 16-20 hours

    6-12 months : 12-16 hours

    1-2 yr olds : 11-14 hours

    2-5 yr olds : 10-13 hours

    6-12 yr olds : 9-12 hours

    Next, where is your child sleeping?

    wood crib with stripe pillow and plush brown fox

    Try these tips to get your little one to sleep soundly at night:

    Get enough sleep

    I fall victim to this one. Getting your children to nap during the day is crucial to them having a restful sleep at night. But can I be honest here? I wasn’t one of those grand mamas with a perfect schedule that had her kids napping soundly in their beds at a scheduled hour. I’d be lucky if I got them to nap at the same time! Sadly, I was THAT mama…you know, the one who’s kids napped in their strollers and car seats while running errands. Yea. That was me.

    Prepare The Environment

    This one seems obvious but doesn’t the obvious slip by us? Turn down the lights, make sure the room temperature is comfortable, soft music if they need it…

    Prepare Your Toddler

    Let them know what is about to happen. No sugar coating, no choices. Soft, kind and firm. My dear, it is time to rest for a little while and when our rest is over, we can continue. Prepare Your Toddler

    Simple choices

    There is just no need to have 7 pajama choices, 15 teddy bears, 5 blankets or 50 lullaby tracks to choose from. lol. If you desire to give your child a choice, make it between two items only. And be sure to play/rotate between only a handful of lullaby tracks, so your child is humming a tune to explain which song he/she really wants to hear. (Just trust me on that one lol)

    Introduce a Comforter

    This simply provides a sense of security. I’d suggest buying two duplicates to avoid tears during the wash or if God forbid it should get lost!

    Positive praise

    Whether or not your little ones love language is words of affirmation, words of encouragement and praise work wonders! It truly is foundational for a child’s growth development.

    Promote Independence

    You can start small here, by laying out a small area where they can possibly reach all these items themselves and prepare them on their own.

    baby girl sheep blanket
    How to get your child to sleep through the night 3

    How else can we encourage our kids to get rest?


    How to get your child to sleep through the night 4