• 7 Disadvantages to breastfeeding

    7 Disadvantages to breastfeeding

    Are you an expecting mama? If you are, I know you’ve already taken some serious thought about how you’ll be feeding your little one. Bottle or breast? It can be such a heartfelt and controversial topic. There are advantages & disadvantages to breastfeeding. We all know breast is best, but sometimes, circumstances and life can get in the way.

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    As a mama myself, that has resorted to both bottle and breast, I want to provide you with another perspective. We all hear the pros of breast feeding-its good for the baby, helps boost the immune system, it’s natural, it’s free…the whole works. BUT, no one ever really advocates the struggles of breastfeeding! It’s not always easy my friend & here are some reasons breastfeeding may not work for you.

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    Your baby feeds more often

    Because breast milk digests so much faster than formula, your sweet baby will get hungry & feed more often

    You never really know how much milk your little one is getting

    Unless you’re expressing your milk into bottles, your never really have any idea how many ounces your little one is drinking

    You have to mind your diet

    According to countless studies, MOST of what we consume will pass through the breast milk or alter the taste in some way or another…therefore, in an effort to provide our babies with the best quality milk we can, avoid irritations, we must mind our diet and continuously evaluate what we eat. Spices and sweets, for example, can be very irritating to littles digestion and therefore behavior. Colic anyone?

    Unable to take many medications

    Reiterating the above statement, many things pass through our breast milk…because of this, there are LOTS of medications that are just off-limits.

    You may get bitten…A LOT

    Obviously, this one applies to older littles…prepare for this! Ooucchhh

    Some use breast as a pacifier

    Okay, so I rub myself wrong even as I write this because the truth is- the breast was created for food and nurture and not solely as a sexual object. Our babies aren’t using our breasts as pacifiers. Many babies are using plastic as breast. (Please note: I am by no means whatsoever attacking mommas who use them! I’ve used them as well)

    But really, the breast becomes a place of comfort, and it’ll be obvious!

    May suffer from thrush or mastitis at least once

    It is really easy to pass infections when breastfeeding and if you use your boobies to comfort your little one ; ) & forget to release, that could lead to some issues 🙁

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    Despite these disadvantages, I genuinely support breastfeeding and believe it’s worth fighting for! (I know what it’s like to both breastfeed and bottle feed a baby)

    Words can’t express the connection you’ll develop with your baby because of it.

    Stay strong, seek out help, keep trying and let’s support one another no matter how we choose to feed our baby!

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    I want to know, what has your breastfeeding journey looked like? Was it difficult, did it come naturally?

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    baby infant newborn mom breastfeeding
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  • Dangers of Depression

    The Dangers of Depression


    There are definite dangers associated with depression. It can affect nearly all ages, with some groups and demographics being more susceptible than others (women are more likely to develop depression than men, for example, and teens are said to be more prone to depression than adults). Depression can even be fatal, warn medical professionals, and it’s not just the disorder that poses risks. Medications can also present their own list of risky side effects.

    Here are some of the dangers commonly associated with depression.




    This may be the “ultimate” danger associated with depression – it’s considered by many to be the most extreme manifestation of the disorder. Depressed people may convince themselves that they just aren’t worth enough to live, or that their friends and family will be better off without them. Warning signs of suicide include:

    * Preoccupation with death – person constantly talks about death or conducts extensive research into the afterlife, methods of suicide, and other related subjects

    * Gathering belongings and giving them away

    * Cleaning out and “getting things in order” for no apparent reason

    * Continual speaking about death, the afterlife, or other similar things


    Loss of Job and Income


    Depression can be debilitating. The depressed person feels worthless and unmotivated and may call in sick frequently or not show up for work. They may be late or be unable to face difficulties during the workday. Depression can cause a person to be indecisive and unable to concentrate, which could be extremely dangerous in certain types of work (such as construction or factory work that requires a worker to be alert to avoid injury to him/herself or others).

    Losing a job may then exacerbate the person’s depression, and the loss of income could affect the amount of medical attention and medication he or she is able to afford.




    While medication can save lives, it can also pose serious and/or dangerous side effects. Antidepressants tend to have fewer side effects than SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), but antidepressants may, ironically, induce suicidal thoughts.

    Several years ago, a popular antidepressant was called on the carpet for indirectly causing the actual suicides of many people who took it. SSRIs may cause bad headaches, temporary or chronic diarrhea, insomnia, nausea, and/or nervousness and agitation.




    Depressed people have a tendency to neglect their own health and care. They may not have the energy or focus to keep their homes clean, eat well, or care for their bodies. Because of this self-neglect, depressed individuals may be more susceptible to illness.

    More serious illnesses may go untreated because the depressed person just can’t cope with the idea of having a serious illness and therefore he or she doesn’t seek help or treatment.


    depressed woman
  • What Depression Really Reveals

    Depression as a Symptom – What Your Depression Is Trying to Reveal to You

    Depression itself is a disorder with its own set of symptoms, but depression can also be a symptom in and of itself. There are various health and lifestyle issues of which depression is an indication or “side effect.” Here are some suggestions and ideas as to what your depression may be telling you.

    Cancerous Tumors

    A recent study using laboratory rats indicated that tumors can have psychological effects as well as physiological ones – and that’s not just depression over the knowledge or diagnosis of the cancerous tumor. According to the study, the tumor itself may generate chemicals that induce depression. These chemicals then make their way to the brain where they affect those areas responsible for emotions.

    Also, tumors may inhibit the production of corticosterone, which is a stress hormone that decreases the effects of other depression-causing substances.

    This study indicates that cancerous tumors can physically trigger depression; thus, depression may be a symptom of the presence of cancer.

    Thyroid Problems

    Hypothyroidism, or an under-active thyroid, may cause depression, sources say. Depression and hypothyroidism also share a number of symptoms, such as:

    • Fatigue
    • Weight gain
    • Weakness
    • Menstrual irregularities

    Depression is included in the list of symptoms for hypothyroidism. If the main thing you seem to be struggling with is depression, your doctor may prescribe antidepressants and not consider your thyroid. If depression is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, you may want to talk to your doctor about having your thyroid function tested.

    • Dry, flaky skin
    • Hoarseness and/or difficulty speaking
    • Discomfort on swallowing (the thyroid is located on the front of the throat)
    • Thinning hair
    • Inability to tolerate cold, or feeling cold all the time
    • Joint pain


    Too much stress may lead to depression, sources warn. And because “stress” is such a generalized term, and seems to be common to everyone, many people who feel depressed may not think to look to their lifestyle as the possible culprit. In other words, stress has become the new norm.

    Some signs that your depression may be due to stress include:

    • Nightmares and/or sleep disturbances
    • Inability to sleep
    • Irritability
    • Isolation and withdrawal
    • A sense of regret or guilt
    • Feeling overwhelmed


    Even before you know you’re pregnant, depression can present itself as the hormonal changes begin to take place in your body. Depression may not be the first sign, but it could be one of the early signs that you are pregnant. This is especially important to note for women who may seek treatment for depression without considering the possibility of pregnancy; antidepressants have been implicated in birth defects and other problems in pregnancy.

    If there’s any possibility that you may be pregnant, make sure you tell your doctor when you go in for treatment or help with your depression.

    Depression Explained

    Do you know someone who has depression? Have you or someone in your family been diagnosed with depression? Even if we are dealing with depression in ourselves or our families, we may not know what it really is. Is it just feeling sad all the time? Why can’t people just snap out of it?

    Depression is said to be the most widespread mental disorder. It affects women far more than men and is particularly prevalent in teens.

    What Causes Depression?

    There are various opinions on what causes depression, and even the role of brain chemicals is debated. Generally, though, depression can be separated into two categories: circumstantial and clinical.

    Circumstantial depression refers to feelings surrounding an event, such as a death in the family or having to sell one’s house and move. The circumstances that can cause depression are extremely numerous, from kids having trouble with friends at school to the elderly in a nursing home. Circumstantial depression is also highly individualized.

    Clinical depression defies circumstances and the depressed person may feel more depressed because he or she can’t find a reason for such dreadful feelings. Clinical depression may baffle those around the patient, too, because they can’t understand how a person could be depressed when his or her life seems to be going fine. This lack of understanding may make the patient’s depression worse.

    Treatment approaches differ according to the type of depression the patient is experiencing as well as the individual’s personality and lifestyle.


    There are a lot of myths surrounding depression that, when explained, help people better understand the illness. For example:

    • Isn’t depression just self-pity? – Depressed people may seem to be “wallowing” in their sadness, but it’s not willful self-pity. It’s a true medical illness, sources point out, that should be treated as such.
    • Medication for depression is overkill, and just treats the symptoms – For those on the outside, so to speak, medication can seem like putting a Band-Aid on a massive wound. But often, medication is what the patient needs to feel good enough to seek help for the underlying problem.
    • Depression is not a “real” illness

    Actually, it is; brain imaging studies have revealed how the actual chemical imbalances occur in the brain of a depressed person. It is considered physiological, even if the cause is circumstantial – the chemical imbalance may still be present regardless of the depression’s origin.

    Other Factors

    Depression can be affected not only by circumstances; genetics, personality, psychology, and biology may also play a role. Women are far more likely to be diagnosed with depression, indicating possible hormonal factors. Men, on the other hand, are more likely to succeed in suicide as a result of depression than women, although more women than men attempt suicide, sources report.

  • Depression Fighting Foods

    Top Depression-Fighting Foods

    Did you know that what you eat may have an effect on your mood? Some medical professionals and natural health experts point to the role of nutrients in fighting depression. According to multiple sources, certain foods contain these vital, depression-fighting nutrients. Here are some of the top depression-fighting foods.


    Have you seen L-tryptophan and L-tyrosine supplements in health food stores? Some people supplement with these two amino acids because they are said to boost mood. Your body needs these substances to make important brain chemicals serotonin and norepinephrine.

    Rather than supplements, which may or may not be absorbed well in your body, experts suggest foods high in these amino acids as a better source. Turkey is one of those foods – it contains L-tryptophan. Other foods with these amino acids include:

    • Pumpkin Seeds (Pepitas)
    • Chicken
    • Fish
    • Beans
    • Avocados

    Lean Beef

    If you can find lean, grass-fed beef, it may be better and more nutritious than corn-fed, factory-raised beef. Why beef for depression? Beef contains B6 and B12, which are extremely important for regulating mood. Other sources of B6 include:

    • Eggs
    • Tuna
    • Bananas
    • Prunes
    • Garbanzo beans


    Have you heard about the benefits of “good fats” in treating and managing depression? There’s a good reason for that – essential fatty acids, the good fats, may play a significant role in regulating mood. Salmon is high in these important fats. It’s also a good source of B12, another mood-booster.


    These little bivalves contain that wonderful B12, too. Other foods with this brain-boosting vitamin include:

    • Oysters
    • Crab
    • Cow’s milk
    • Chicken

    Oysters and crab also contain an important depression-fighting nutrient: zinc.


    You may have heard about how important folate, or folic acid, is for pregnant women and their unborn babies. It may be important for depressed people, too – folate may have a profound effect on important neurotransmitters. Specific beans that have the most folate include:

    • Lentils
    • Pinto beans
    • Garbanzos
    • Black beans

    Another note on beans, black beans in particular – they tend to be high in magnesium, an important depression-fighting nutrient. Other foods high in magnesium include:

    • Oat bran
    • Artichokes
    • Halibut
    • Almonds
    • Spinach


    Also rich in folate, dark leafy greens and other vegetables contain iron and calcium as well. Greens include:

    • Asparagus
    • Collard greens
    • Turnip greens
    • Spinach


    This yummy milk product contains zinc, which is required by the brain to produce anti-anxiety compounds. Other foods with zinc include:

    • Turkey (once again!)
    • Barley
    • Lentils
    • Pumpkin seeds

    Nuts and Seeds

    Nuts are rich in healthy fats and vitamin E. According to various sources, the best nuts for combating depression include:

    • Walnuts
    • Sunflower seeds
    • Pumpkin seeds (these little seeds contain a lot of depression-fighting nutrients!)
    • Filberts (Hazelnuts)
    • Tomatoes

    In addition to vitamin C, which is necessary to process B12 and iron, tomatoes provide antioxidants and vitamin E. Tomato sauce and fresh tomatoes both provide beneficial nutrients for depression.

    Whole Grains

    Depression can induce carb cravings, which in the modern world means cravings for sugary snacks. But your body is probably trying to tell you something – healthy carbs are said to be a key factor in fighting depression. So give your body what it’s asking for, but in a healthy form. Examples of healthy carbs include:

    • Brown rice
    • Whole wheat
    • Millet
    • Quinoa

    As you look at this list, you might be getting some ideas for meals, combinations, and a shopping list. Think of combining these ingredients to make casseroles, soups, salads, and other tasty dishes.

    healthy food nuts fruit avocado broccoli tomatoes garlic celery kiwi peppers brussel sprouts