
  • Investments That Will Make Your Life 100x Easier When You Are a New Parent

    Investments That Will Make Your Life 100x Easier When You Are a New Parent

    So, you’re pregnant… congratulations! No doubt the news fills you with immense joy and excitement, which was then followed shortly by an equal dose of fear, uncertainty, and terror. When you’ve asked your friends for advice and tips, chances are that they’ll have told you the same thing: ‘nothing can prepare you’. Wow, helpful! While it’s certainly true that nothing can prepare you (sorry!), it’s also true that there are lots of handy tips, tools, and products that can make life at least a little bit easier. Okay, a LOT easier. Here are some investments that every new parent should look into:

    Amazon Prime

    Amazon Prime is a life-line for new parents. The main feature of Prime is that it offers next-day delivery along with free delivery. This in turn means that you can have anything you need within 24 hours. And that’s game changing.

    Have you run out of diapers (or nappies for my UK readers)? Amazon Prime. Need a bib? Amazon Prime. Bed broken? Amazon Prime!

    What you may not realize is that many times you will be too busy to leave the house. At all. For days. As such, you either order-in, or you don’t get the thing you need! And as a great added bonus, Amazon Prime also gives you access to Movies, which means you’ll be able to bring up a bunch of great programs to keep your toddler subdued while you do other things.


    Hands-Free Kit for your cell phone

    A hands-free kit is another incredibly useful tool for parents. Because not only will you be stuck in the house a lot of the time, but you’ll also be unable to use your hands a lot of the time. That means you won’t be able to speak with friends or with your electrician. Unless you have a hands-free kit that is! In which case, you’ll be able to much more easily stay in touch with others without having to put baby down.


    A co-sleeper is a cot that has one removable or collapsible side. The idea is that this will allow you to push it next to your bed, so that your baby is lying with you and you can put your arm around them should you so wish. However, they also aren’t actually in your bed, meaning you can’t roll on top of them!

    This may or may not suit your parenting style as some parents prefer not to sleep with their children. But if you’re happy to sleep in the same room, then a co-sleeper can reduce stress and give you fewer disturbed nights!


    Baby Monitor

    Okay, so this isn’t exactly news – you likely know you need a baby monitor! But the question is, “What kind?” If you get a baby monitor with a camera, it can work wonders when it comes to putting
    your mind at rest.

    Some parents feel it is invading the baby’s privacy, but again this comes down to parenting styles. You can even get monitors that log heart-rate, though this can lead to some scary moments if the device ever malfunctions! Another feature that is very useful is to have soothing sounds and music. Many parents say these can work wonders when it comes to helping their children get to sleep – as can VOIP so that you can speak to your baby and soothe them from afar. Consider your options!


    Front Carrier

    A front pouch for your baby makes a lot of sense when they are still very young. A newly-born child should be kept as close to the mother as possible a lot of the time – almost as though they were still in the womb.

    A front carrier helps them to feel calmer and happier. It also allows you to free up your hands and actually get things done!


    Some of these items may seem expensive, but they are well worth their cost many times over. Sometimes they may save the day for you, and other times they might just bring peace of mind. How do you put a cost on that?

  • Guide To Communicate With Your Baby

    A New Parent’s Guide to Communicating with Your Baby

    Your baby is learning to speak long before they say their first words. Talking with your child and giving them loving attention will strengthen the bond between you and help them to develop academic and communication skills they’ll need later in life. Plus, you’ll both have a lot of fun. A famous study in the 1990s coined the term word gap to describe how children in lower income families hear about 30 million fewer words by the age of 3 compared to their wealthier peers. More recently, a Stanford University study found an intellectual processing gap emerging at around 18 months. Create the word-rich environment your child needs to learn and thrive.

    Try these tips for communicating with your baby.

    Communicating with Babies from Birth to Three Months

    As you know, crying will be your baby’s main way of communicating for a while. While individual timelines vary greatly, many babies start using their voice at about 2 months to coo and gurgle. They may also start making some simple vowel sounds. Use these strategies for greater communication with your infant:

    Use baby talk

    It’s a myth that baby talk will hold your baby back. In fact, babies pay more attention to sing-song style speech with a higher pitch and warmer tone. At the same time, it’s beneficial to gradually introduce them to adult speech too.

    Hold them

    Physical touch is part of communication. Bond with your baby by holding and carrying them.

    Make eye contact

    Looking at your baby shows them that you care enough to pay attention. Even if you don’t understand their message, they’ll appreciate the effort.

    Related: What a Postpartum Mom Really Wants

    Think about body language

    Gestures and facial expressions are a big part of your baby’s communications. Exchange smiles and copy each other’s movements.

    Mimic sounds

    Imitating your baby’s sounds is helpful too. Gurgle back at them and add your own noises to make your chats livelier.

    Start reading

    Begin your storytime traditions with picture books. You may also want to find some titles with sound effects and textures.

    Communicating with Older Babies

    Most babies speak their first words by the end of their first year, and most can understand a few words by the time they reach 9 months. It’s usually not a cause for concern if a baby starts later. Speak with your doctor if you have any questions about your baby’s development and hearing. These techniques will help you communicate with your older baby:

    Narrate your day

    Create more opportunities for your baby to hear your voice by describing your activities. Talk through mealtimes, household tasks, and weekend plans.

    Related: Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night!

    Pause often

    Take a break between sentences so your baby can join in with their own remarks. They’ll start to become familiar with the rhythm of two-way conversations.

    Identify objects

    Help your baby to associate names with common objects and people. For instance, point to a cup and slowly say the word.

    Give simple directions

    Your baby can now start to understand some basic commands. Ask them to come to you. Say no firmly when you want them to stop eating the dog’s food.

    Sing favorite songs

    Small children enjoy interactive songs. Share your old favorites like I’m a Little Teacup or The Itsy-Bitsy Spider. Create some tunes of your own.

    Match them up

    By the time they reach four months, most babies are ready for some friends their own age in addition to your company. Look for organized groups in your community and stay close by to supervise and provide support.

    Your baby loves it when you to talk with them. Make them happy and encourage their language and social skills by having conversations, reading, singing, and playing games.

    Related: How To Survive Motherhood