
  • Guide To Communicate With Your Baby

    A New Parent’s Guide to Communicating with Your Baby

    Your baby is learning to speak long before they say their first words. Talking with your child and giving them loving attention will strengthen the bond between you and help them to develop academic and communication skills they’ll need later in life. Plus, you’ll both have a lot of fun. A famous study in the 1990s coined the term word gap to describe how children in lower income families hear about 30 million fewer words by the age of 3 compared to their wealthier peers. More recently, a Stanford University study found an intellectual processing gap emerging at around 18 months. Create the word-rich environment your child needs to learn and thrive.

    Try these tips for communicating with your baby.

    Communicating with Babies from Birth to Three Months

    As you know, crying will be your baby’s main way of communicating for a while. While individual timelines vary greatly, many babies start using their voice at about 2 months to coo and gurgle. They may also start making some simple vowel sounds. Use these strategies for greater communication with your infant:

    Use baby talk

    It’s a myth that baby talk will hold your baby back. In fact, babies pay more attention to sing-song style speech with a higher pitch and warmer tone. At the same time, it’s beneficial to gradually introduce them to adult speech too.

    Hold them

    Physical touch is part of communication. Bond with your baby by holding and carrying them.

    Make eye contact

    Looking at your baby shows them that you care enough to pay attention. Even if you don’t understand their message, they’ll appreciate the effort.

    Related: What a Postpartum Mom Really Wants

    Think about body language

    Gestures and facial expressions are a big part of your baby’s communications. Exchange smiles and copy each other’s movements.

    Mimic sounds

    Imitating your baby’s sounds is helpful too. Gurgle back at them and add your own noises to make your chats livelier.

    Start reading

    Begin your storytime traditions with picture books. You may also want to find some titles with sound effects and textures.

    Communicating with Older Babies

    Most babies speak their first words by the end of their first year, and most can understand a few words by the time they reach 9 months. It’s usually not a cause for concern if a baby starts later. Speak with your doctor if you have any questions about your baby’s development and hearing. These techniques will help you communicate with your older baby:

    Narrate your day

    Create more opportunities for your baby to hear your voice by describing your activities. Talk through mealtimes, household tasks, and weekend plans.

    Related: Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night!

    Pause often

    Take a break between sentences so your baby can join in with their own remarks. They’ll start to become familiar with the rhythm of two-way conversations.

    Identify objects

    Help your baby to associate names with common objects and people. For instance, point to a cup and slowly say the word.

    Give simple directions

    Your baby can now start to understand some basic commands. Ask them to come to you. Say no firmly when you want them to stop eating the dog’s food.

    Sing favorite songs

    Small children enjoy interactive songs. Share your old favorites like I’m a Little Teacup or The Itsy-Bitsy Spider. Create some tunes of your own.

    Match them up

    By the time they reach four months, most babies are ready for some friends their own age in addition to your company. Look for organized groups in your community and stay close by to supervise and provide support.

    Your baby loves it when you to talk with them. Make them happy and encourage their language and social skills by having conversations, reading, singing, and playing games.

    Related: How To Survive Motherhood

  • How to get your child to sleep through the night

    Tips on how to get your child to sleep through the night

    No matter what age your little one, us mamas always go through the sleep battle at one point or another. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Honestly…and we can get through this together! Here are just some of the best tips I’ve been given along the years.

    First things first- is your little one getting enough sleep? According to many sources, children should be getting hours upon hours of sleep! See recommendations below:

    0-6 months : 16-20 hours

    6-12 months : 12-16 hours

    1-2 yr olds : 11-14 hours

    2-5 yr olds : 10-13 hours

    6-12 yr olds : 9-12 hours

    Next, where is your child sleeping?

    wood crib with stripe pillow and plush brown fox

    Try these tips to get your little one to sleep soundly at night:

    Get enough sleep

    I fall victim to this one. Getting your children to nap during the day is crucial to them having a restful sleep at night. But can I be honest here? I wasn’t one of those grand mamas with a perfect schedule that had her kids napping soundly in their beds at a scheduled hour. I’d be lucky if I got them to nap at the same time! Sadly, I was THAT mama…you know, the one who’s kids napped in their strollers and car seats while running errands. Yea. That was me.

    Prepare The Environment

    This one seems obvious but doesn’t the obvious slip by us? Turn down the lights, make sure the room temperature is comfortable, soft music if they need it…

    Prepare Your Toddler

    Let them know what is about to happen. No sugar coating, no choices. Soft, kind and firm. My dear, it is time to rest for a little while and when our rest is over, we can continue. Prepare Your Toddler

    Simple choices

    There is just no need to have 7 pajama choices, 15 teddy bears, 5 blankets or 50 lullaby tracks to choose from. lol. If you desire to give your child a choice, make it between two items only. And be sure to play/rotate between only a handful of lullaby tracks, so your child is humming a tune to explain which song he/she really wants to hear. (Just trust me on that one lol)

    Introduce a Comforter

    This simply provides a sense of security. I’d suggest buying two duplicates to avoid tears during the wash or if God forbid it should get lost!

    Positive praise

    Whether or not your little ones love language is words of affirmation, words of encouragement and praise work wonders! It truly is foundational for a child’s growth development.

    Promote Independence

    You can start small here, by laying out a small area where they can possibly reach all these items themselves and prepare them on their own.

    baby girl sheep blanket
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    How else can we encourage our kids to get rest?


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  • 7 Disadvantages to breastfeeding

    7 Disadvantages to breastfeeding

    Are you an expecting mama? If you are, I know you’ve already taken some serious thought about how you’ll be feeding your little one. Bottle or breast? It can be such a heartfelt and controversial topic. There are advantages & disadvantages to breastfeeding. We all know breast is best, but sometimes, circumstances and life can get in the way.

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    As a mama myself, that has resorted to both bottle and breast, I want to provide you with another perspective. We all hear the pros of breast feeding-its good for the baby, helps boost the immune system, it’s natural, it’s free…the whole works. BUT, no one ever really advocates the struggles of breastfeeding! It’s not always easy my friend & here are some reasons breastfeeding may not work for you.

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    Your baby feeds more often

    Because breast milk digests so much faster than formula, your sweet baby will get hungry & feed more often

    You never really know how much milk your little one is getting

    Unless you’re expressing your milk into bottles, your never really have any idea how many ounces your little one is drinking

    You have to mind your diet

    According to countless studies, MOST of what we consume will pass through the breast milk or alter the taste in some way or another…therefore, in an effort to provide our babies with the best quality milk we can, avoid irritations, we must mind our diet and continuously evaluate what we eat. Spices and sweets, for example, can be very irritating to littles digestion and therefore behavior. Colic anyone?

    Unable to take many medications

    Reiterating the above statement, many things pass through our breast milk…because of this, there are LOTS of medications that are just off-limits.

    You may get bitten…A LOT

    Obviously, this one applies to older littles…prepare for this! Ooucchhh

    Some use breast as a pacifier

    Okay, so I rub myself wrong even as I write this because the truth is- the breast was created for food and nurture and not solely as a sexual object. Our babies aren’t using our breasts as pacifiers. Many babies are using plastic as breast. (Please note: I am by no means whatsoever attacking mommas who use them! I’ve used them as well)

    But really, the breast becomes a place of comfort, and it’ll be obvious!

    May suffer from thrush or mastitis at least once

    It is really easy to pass infections when breastfeeding and if you use your boobies to comfort your little one ; ) & forget to release, that could lead to some issues 🙁

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    Despite these disadvantages, I genuinely support breastfeeding and believe it’s worth fighting for! (I know what it’s like to both breastfeed and bottle feed a baby)

    Words can’t express the connection you’ll develop with your baby because of it.

    Stay strong, seek out help, keep trying and let’s support one another no matter how we choose to feed our baby!

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    I want to know, what has your breastfeeding journey looked like? Was it difficult, did it come naturally?

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    baby infant newborn mom breastfeeding
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